Another Packer LOSS!!!! Time for TT and MM to GO!!!


New member
Yes I am a packer fan and completely disgusted at what I watched to day (loss to Tampa).

I think green bay should fire Ted Thompson NOW!!!
and fire Mike Mccarthy after the season. (its too hard to replace a head coach mid season)

and NO I don't want Ted fired for what happened with brett, though it would be good enough reason right there...nope I want ted gone, because he has slowly dismantled a playoff caliber team, he refuses to go after free agents, saying that you build a team with the draft..well..his drafting has sucked.

The people ted has let go include 2 all pro guards (Rivera and Wahl), an all pro wide reciever (walker), an all pro safety (darren sharper)...he cut ahman green (who is now back with team)...and a pro bowl kicker (longwell).

He has drafted 4 offensive linemen in the past two years of which 2 are starting for the packers but would never start anywhere else.
So far Hawk is a bust at linebacker, Raji has not been impressive, and the often injuried Brandon Jackson is a 3rd string back at best.

TT has two good picks in the past 4 yrs...Jennings (who isn't doing squat this yr), and clay matthews(who looks like the real deal).

The reason ted needs to go is....he will be trading aaron kampman, and donald driver in the off season(and possibly hawk, to save face). The packers need to stop him before he dismantles this team anymore. He will not go after high priced free agents, and continues to tell anybody who will listen to him, that he won't do it. Got news for you ted, you build a team with good free agents and good draft picks (take a look to the west at the vikings ted...the team that just kicked ur azz twice...yeah those guys!!!)

Mccarthy needs to go...because he is a lousy coach...he was out coached twice by childress this season..thats pretty bad..childress was on his deathbed in the twin cities, before he brought favre he's a hero. He was also outcoached today by that scrub of a coach in tampa. He's nothing but ted thompsons patsy. Get rid of him!!! PENALTYS, and being out of position, is called un disiplined football...which is the coaches responsibility, and it hasn't changed in 3 weeks..he says the same crap at every post game press conference, and then the next week, they do the same damn's maddening...and its all coaching.

The packers should hire Mike Shanihan (sp), as coach and GM. Stop this nonsense talk about bringing holmgren back..sure he could be GM and Coach in Green Bay, and would do a better job than TT and MM...but there are better people out there. Mike Shanihan is one of those people..snap him up now, or watch somebody like Chicago grab him when they fire lovie at the end of the season.

Sorry for my rant...but todays game was pathetic, I can take losing to a better team (like the vikings this year)..but to 0-7 tampa bay..NO WAY!!! The pack aint going anywhere this year..oh well..guess I'll get lots of riding done in december, and january. Hello 6-10

BTW I am definately not gonna watch the Thanksgiving game against the LIons..I don't think I can take watching them lose to the LIONS.

Deleted member 10829

I think a better choice than Shanihan would be John Gruden. I'm sure he will be coaching somewhere next year. But as a Viking fan, I hope they keep McCarthy.


New member
Mspease, I hope you guys keep Chilly at don't think hes a very good coach..he lucked out at getting favre to minnesota, it saved his job. I will say somebody in minnesota is doing a good job at scouting free agents, and picking good draft picks.<font color="ff0000">&#149;</font><font color="ff0000">&#149;</font><font color="ff0000">&#149;</font><font color="ff0000">&#149;</font> can't be chilly..he's too much of a dufus(remember we know chilly he coached at wisconsin)

Gruden is interesting, and I know he likes GB...but in my mind Shanihan is the cream of the crop...denver was stupid to let him go..sure they only have one loss..but you watch what happens out there..I am not convinced Denver is a great team yet. Shanihan is a proven winner..whoever gets him as a coach will be a winner in a short amount of time.


New member
for a while i didnt think TT was doing so bad you always lose good players you cant keep everyone. but after seeing how bad the offensive line has been i have changed my tune im sick of it. MM seems like he has great football knowledge but i mean how can he stand there with no fricken emeotion after all those penalties. light a fire under their tails rememeber holmgren he would come unglued. the lack of discipline has made me sick. its too bad because of the talent they have at qb. i loved favre but he would be in a wheelchair if he was still on the team taking those hits.


I agree they have to go NOW! I think the defensive cordinator can join them also! Who in there right mind take a pro bowl pass rusher like Kampman and tries to make him a coverage guy!?! I've never seen a team put LESS pressure on QB's! You would think they would try harder after watching Rogers run for his life when on offense.



New member
<font color="0000ff">Did you catch McCarthy's Comments AFTER that joke of a game? Maybe he worked them TOO HARD? He's getting "Lit Up" on EVERY Sports show out there (and rightly so). Good post Bryan, I will have to agree.</font>

<font color="0000ff">What about Bill Cowher? He could be a good fit?</font>

<font color="0000ff">After THAT pitiful carbon-copied-mistake performance, coupled with the fact that they STILL have to play Dallas, SanFran, Pittsburgh, Baltimore, and Arizona, . . . . . Oh boy, It's going to be a Very Messy Off Season. Mark Murphy Better get his Check Book Out.</font>

<font color="0000ff">Pathetic!</font>



Have to believe both Shanahan and Gruden will be back coaching somewhere next year. With all the crappy teams this season they will be able to name their fee. I already feel sorry for poor Mr. Rodgers. He will probably get sacked 8 times next week by Ware and Company. If he makes it through the season it will be a miracle.


New member
Yep Rodgers is getting killed..sacked 37 times this season, an average of 4 per game..he won't make it to december at this rate. Favre wouldnt help the packers at all...he's even less mobil than rodgers.

Yes I heard the press conference...and you guys are right, MM is too mushy...same ol same every week. Somebody said it above..UNDISIPlined Football...when a team is undisiplined who's fault is it??? THE COACH!!!! Players out of position...stupid penalties...all undisiplined..thats all coaching...your right holgren would be benching people, and having them run sprints...he wouldn't tolerate this non sense....These coaches need to stop being "players coaches", and start being COACHES!!! Who cares if the players dislike him??? As long as they win, it shouldn't matter if they think the coach is a jerk. At this point MM is losing the team..they think he's an idiot cut your loses. Don't ya think?? Shanahan, and Gruden will both be back next year, and possibly even the colts old coach. (having a brain fart forgot his

Deleted member 10829

bryan t,

Let me get this straight. When the Vikes aren't winning, it's Chilly's fault, but when they start to win, the credit goes to someone else. Sounds like good logic to me, NOT! The old Colts coach is Tony Dungy, another great Viking's assistant we let go.

I personally think Shanihan is not effective anymore, but that's just my opinion. I forgot about Bill Cowher, he for sure is the best one out there, I just don't know if he wants to coach again or not.

big vin makes a good point about the Packer's schedule. It's gets pretty tough for them as their schedule has been about the easiest in the league to this point, other than having to play the Vikings of course. 3 of their 4 wins have come against teams with only 1 win and the 4th was against da Bears, and I think we all know what kind of team they have. I'm not sure the Pack will even finish at .500 this year.


The Vikes could win the division in early Dec. After yesterday both the Colts and Saints look mortal. New England had a lot of trouble with Miami. The Giants are in a swoon. The NFC West is anyone's guess. There is a pile of really poor teams. It is a very odd year. I wouldn't be surprised if the Jags met the Falcons in the Superbowl. Wouldn't bet on it though.


New member
I guess we are now a drinking town with a football problem. I now have a tear in my beer.

On the good side the Carroll Women's Soccer Team is headed for the NCAA DIII tourney. "GO PIONEERS"
To reiterate what bryan t said......maybe some of these coaches need to take a page out of Singletarys coaching book, (MM)?It's great to see a guy coach the game just the way he played it. With NO regard for what people think! He does the right thing regardless of how people say you're supposed to tip-toe around your highly played players. Plus it's nice to see a great player with awesome FB knowledge do good in a coach/Gm capacity, unlike Matt Millen did in Detroit.

Yes, MM & TT need to GTFO! Hopefully those two trains leave the station sometime soon!


For starters, one or the other HAS to go. Personally, I think McCarthy has lost the team and no longer has the ability to motivate players. The constant undisciplined play in the form of penalties, missed assignments and obvious coaching incompetence with the offensive line points to a coach that is in way over his head. Time to face the facts, Thompson blew this hire. It is sad as a Packer fan to think we have regressed back to the early 90's or late 80's, but this team is going nowhere and change is needed. Good bye McCarthy!

Pizza Man

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