yielding to faster traffic
I see this a lot, and if you are training someone new, its worth mentioning.
No matter how fast you are, there will always be someone who is faster behind you. So when you come to any intersection, instead of plowing on ahead, check behind you to see if there are faster sleds that want to move past you. This includes being in the middle of the pack. Many times you can pass half a pack, and then the middle person looks back and sees it not his group, and all of sudden thinks he is the next snocross champ. If its not your group, then clearly you can't hang, so move over and let them pass. That way you aren't frustrating people behind you. I wouldn't always be checking over my shoulder, but on a safe stretch, slow down and check behind once in a while. In addition a set of mirrors are great, especially at night, that way you can see the light behind you. In addition, if someone is "knocking on the door" ( when you move up to a slower group and let them know you are there by riding up along side or other attention getting manuevers. Please pull over and let them pass, don't try to be a hero, it causes animosity and is dangerous for everyone. I don't condone high speed antics, but especially in the U.P. with the longer rr grades etc, there are always people wanting to pass.
In addition, to being alert, I can't tell you how many times people are either startled or surprised that someone is behind them, DUH you aren't the only one the trail, so don't be scared when you get passed.. Its not a matter of if its just when!
Otherwise, many other good suggestions in the other posts.