Any Northwest Indiana Members on here?!?


Well-known member
Where are you located? Our group is mostly newer sleds, age group 25-50, all different personalities.

I'm in Fishers. The rest of the guys I ride with are in NW Indiana or in the south suburbs of Chicago. My sled is currently at my in-law's place near Eagle River. I ride with them sometimes also.


Well-known member
I'm in Crown Point

Well, We rode Monday from New Buffalo Mi., to Tree Oaks Mi., To Galein Mi., to South Bend In. then headed back. Total of 76 miles on a Mon. night. Not too bad, gas station and food stops in each town. The convenience factor is there and you could spend an entire day. Not sure that club owns a groomer so its nothing compared to the regular state trail systems. I really go because it's so close. If you go to exit 4 and head to Niles its muuuuuch better and groomed. Thats about an hour and fifteen minutes form Valparaiso In. I've taken the Niles Mi. trail to South Haven Mi. and spent the night and headed back the next day. I try to go all over the country and have to say West Yellowstone is my favorite with the Northshore of Minnesota a close second. Minocua Wi. area probably third.


Here is the Michiana Trail Riders Coalition Web Site & forum. Its a nice trail system for something close.

South Bend here. I do a lot of my riding on the Niles/Edwardsburg trails; when we have snow. If not we chase to the northern lower or the eastern UP.

I wouldn't mind a trip to the Keweenaw this year.

Niles is nice too, but I have not road that area in a long time.

Nobody from Gary?

LOL, yeah right, No place for subs on a sled!


New member
Crown Point

My sleds stay in Lily, WI.

We'd have to simply start knocking on doors to ask the landowners for access. It would be a lot of work however, there is a ton of open land in southern Lake, Porter and LaPorte counties that is ripe for riding. A club would have to be established that ensured club backed insurance for land owners and laws protecting land owners. The local dealerships would be starting points for club awareness and networking with other riders and it's the local businesses (the stopping points on the trail) that would have to go to their local governments in order to show demand for such a nework.

The land owners would have to be involved as well. It's often the case that one land owner will talk another into joining the club and allowing access to their land. And, they are the ones that often envision the trail system from point A to point B.


New member
When we get a return to winter-like weather, I would definitely be interested in having a JD ride for NW IN riders. Know quite a few guys around here that would love to do that!!


New member
I like the idea of a JD ride. I live south of Valpo and have a few acres and little trail system that runs to a local watering hole. When there is snow we usual get together on the weekends, have a bond fire and grill up some food. I got a few little jumps in the back yard (use to snocross) can't get out of my system. And we have some nice little loops running around the local area. Let's do something when we get more snow.