So you guy sparked my interest. I loaded a few points around my area in my GPS and tried to find one at lunch today but no luck. Any pointers?
The one I tried to look for today showed on Google earth it was by a shopping area. My GPS led me to the same area as expected but heres where my problem comes in. The point it take me to in a paved parking lot. Only thing with in 60' circle is 1 36x13' island/curb planter and a light pole.
Here is the link
Here is the location N 41° 25.303 W 087° 20.047
Air photo Map On the map you will see Walgreens on the corner then two building north of this. Between these two building go to the east across the service the road you will see the island/curb planter and a light pole if you look close. Basically the GPS puts me right between these two things.
It also looks like it was last found on May 3, 2011
How close should the GPS get me? I was expecting with in 5'
also I using my Garmin 255w which is more of a driving direction GPS does this matter? Yes I did set it to Walking mode.
Oh the planter just has some low growing evergreen bushes not much to hid anything in. Would it be buried? What type of container should I be looking for? Tupperware?
I figured this would be a good one to start with then I would know what to look for when I take the kids. Then I would have a fall back one to "hunt" for with the kids if need.