Anyone else bored on 3rd shift rite now??


I know I should be more productive, but just not feeling it tonight. How many of you guys work 2nd or 3rd shift??
Just got home from work. Time to sleep for a few hrs then back up for job #2. I gotta do it. Got my mind on a new sled. Oh and I also work on the weekends with a friend of mine.
Been working 3rd shift for 5 of the last 7 years. I try to make time to check out JD once in awhile on shift. Some nights can get real boring...


Anyone on shift yet?? Sittin at my desk bored again. We can debate sleds. Just bought a new 11' Nytro XTX and sold my 08 800 X pkg skidoo. Will I regret it?? Thoughts??


Well-known member
Just bought a new 11' Nytro XTX and sold my 08 800 X pkg skidoo. Will I regret it?? Thoughts??

No more Isoflex crank bearings lol

My dad just got home from 2nd shift. He used to work swing shift for 20 years, then that place closed doors and he got another swing shift job but 2 years ago they named him 1 of 3 people to work 1st shift only. But this week they needed him to work 2nd shift and now he's awake till midnight, and wakes me up at 7 :mad:


New member
At work now working 2nd shift 2:30 Till 1:00 am, but i've been working till 3 all this week trying to haul in as much ovetime in the summer so I have money to ride this winter. Then I don't have to work the OT in the fun time of the year WINTER!!!!!!



Right on. Gotta pay to play!! New sled and trips planned, im already in the hole!!

Indy. Don't forget broken clutch towers. Yes, mine was braced when it happened!!!


New member
I have a trip planned already as well I wanna head up to south range when they have the hill climb and spend about a week up there putting on miles. The wifes not to happy about that, we are going on a cruise about two weeks after! But i'm making sure I can have my fun.


Well-known member
I work a swing shift. Just got home from a 2:30 to 2:30 shift. Here it is 3 a.m., and I have an 8:30 appointment, maybe I should go to bed.


Absolutely. First things first...........Sledding!! Im single so its all about me. First trip planned day after Christmas, usually to Grand Marais MI. Gonna try. Wisconsin this year too. Never ridden there. Always ride from Wawa Ontario to Hearst. Trail permits too expensive