anyone ever delt with depression?


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This is what I found for Prozac if thats what they gave you!- mostly I beleive most people don't have much or any side effects that are listed below!
If you can plan fun things to do in the future it helps! it gives you something to think about in the future! like a trip to Florida or Vegas, if you cant afford a trip like that plan something to do that doesnt cost much-volenteering at a nursing home or church like someone else said above!
It always helps to have something to look forward to!

Here ya go:

In clinical studies, the most common side effects of Prozac included:

Other common Prozac side effects (that occurred in at least 1 percent of people) include:

Good luck Jim!
Keep your chin up!
I'll pray for you to help you through this difficult time in your life!

Scottiking OUT

many, many thanks to all that have replied so means alot. today is the end of the first week of the meds. the side effects are what is the worst!!! they say they will go away, but this has been bad...i sure hopes this gets better real quick, if anyone can chime in about their side effects i would appreciate it. ...thanks again you guys


New member
hi wilson,
i can relate to you exactly at this very moment. a quick synopsis of my situation.
i am 45 yrd old. i have been a house painter for 27 yrs. i have always been a pretty happy guy. i have owned my own (very small) painting business the last 15 yrs. I also have been a working musician (the kind that's trying to be a rock star) not the type that plays a bar once a month. i have traveled the world playing 150 plus shows a year for many years.
On january 18, 2010 my brother past away unexpectededly, my work had been dwindling to nothing, and the band was falling apart. i'm getting old (in terms of being a musician), the dream has just about slipped away, i have a 1 yr old baby girl, and no money coming in for the last 10 months. i don't want to paint anymore, my knees, legs, and hands hurt. i have no college education, blah, blah, blah. i feel like i have no options.
i slipped quickly into depression (10 months ago), i sleep 10 hours, then try to find another 2 hours in the day to nap. i just don't want to be awake! i don't want to do anything. i can't get the energy to do anything. i have talked to my friends and family about it over and over. i think they are getting tired of hearing me and i can sense it. they are getting tired of my glum behavior. even though it is real, i need to DO SOMETHING. and i know that i need to do something, but i am hoping for an easy way out. it's not coming.
some of the best advice i got was 'movement and achievement'. i explain later. the point is, i have been there, i still am, and am slowly coming out of it. i took no medication. i am not a doc, but unless you are clinicly depressed, you can get out of this in other natural ways. meds just 'mask' the problem, it's still there.
i used to walk my dog 3 times a day.... long walks. this past year i have been sliding the patio door open, letting him out in the back, leaning my head against the glass, watching him do his biz, then yelling at him to get back in the house. just about 2 months ago i told myself i have to put on his damn leash and start getting out and walking him again. i have been doing that now for a few months, while i am out i think alot, and pray alot. i'm not much of a praying man, but i don't know what else to do and i feel desperate. i asked over and over just to be happy. i don't ask to win the lottery or anything like that, i just kept asking HIM to show me the path to happiness. put it before me and i will walk down it. i asked everyday 3 times a day everytime i walked the dog.
you don't have to have a dog, it is a proven fact that excersise is the best defense and cure for depression. you don't have to 'work out' like a prize fighter. it is so hard to get started, I KNOW THIS! but you still have to do it. jog around the block once....twice.
as i kept up this routine, things started to slowly 'happen' to me. i could go on and on, but in a nutshell, i am 'doing' instead of 'thinking'. when you 'live in your head' you are in ****. you have to quit 'thinking' and start 'doing' which leads to my favorite quote. "The Universe Rewards Action". Nothing will happen for you until you do something. i have started reaching out to all kinds of people looking for jobs outside my comfort zone, willing to take a pay cut, walking through the fear to try something new and unknown. even putting together a resume which i have never done before.
now, with all this being said, i still do not have a job and my situation (outside of me) has not changed, but i am 'feeling better' inside. it's because i am trying and doing.
good luck to you,


New member
GOD BLESS! I pray that you feel better soon.

Being able to reach out and ask for help is a huge step. Like everyone else has said TALK don't bottle it up.

GOOD LUCK with the meds - the side effects will soon go away, BUT please make sure you are talking to your doc about the side effects! Make sure the doc is up to speed on what you are experiencing with side effects.

GOD BLESS! My thoughts and prayers are with you during your rough times AND your good times!!!




New member
recovery is hard work!

You have to work very hard to get your life moveing again. The medication will make it possible but you have to do the work, just taking the meds and waiting for something to happen will at best get you a low level existence.


Active member
many, many thanks to all that have replied so means alot. today is the end of the first week of the meds. the side effects are what is the worst!!! they say they will go away, but this has been bad...i sure hopes this gets better real quick, if anyone can chime in about their side effects i would appreciate it. ...thanks again you guys

I would trade you for the food poisoning that I had over the last week, found a way to loose weight fast that for sure


New member
You have to work very hard to get your life moveing again. The medication will make it possible but you have to do the work, just taking the meds and waiting for something to happen will at best get you a low level existence.

it took me like 4 paragraphs to say basically the same thing. well said!


New member
i kinda goofed on the med i am taking it is called PAXIL...not prolax still the side effects are terrible. i thank you again for all the responces and words of encouragement... jim


Well-known member
Paxil is very mild med how much are you taking? 10Mgs standard dose but you can cut that in half. Paxil is all about seritonin levels in your brain & will take a month or so. Are you feeling stoned sort of a Mary Jane high then you are taking too much but call Doc & let him know. Paxil also has some side effects with beta blockers so make sure Doc knows every med you are taking.


Active member
I am taking Paxil now and really don't experience any side effects. It can take up to four weeks for Paxil to kick in fully though. I would think maybe your dr. started you out with a dosage that may be too high. If the effects contiue, I would say call him and perhaps he will lower the dosage or put you on something else like Zoloft, Busbar or Xanax.


New member
i am taking the generic for paxil called PAROXETINE...i have just about every side effect listed...i am taking 20 mg once a day...nausea, drowsiness, loss of appetite, weakness, tiredness, dry mouth, sweating. i did force myself to get outside for a walk and did some yard work i feel a little better...very little ! jim


Active member
I'm not a doctor, (but I do work next to a Holiday Inn Express), but I would take it after dinner before going to bed. Sometimes that can help. regardless, call your real doctor and let him know.


I too, like so many before on here posted, went through a real rough time. Certainly didn't expect any thing to bother me. Well, I hit rock bottom, MAJOR depression. TALK to people, family, coworkers, relatives, strangers...anyone. Professoinal help, meds...all work. So does the exercising. Most importantly, be pateint. It won't change over night, but it does get better, much better. I was told that "in 6 months you will look back and laugh". Of course at the time, that's the last thing you want to hear, but it is true. Hang in there, it will and does get better. Use John Dee's! We'll all be here for you!


Well-known member
i am taking the generic for paxil called PAROXETINE...i have just about every side effect listed...i am taking 20 mg once a day...nausea, drowsiness, loss of appetite, weakness, tiredness, dry mouth, sweating. i did force myself to get outside for a walk and did some yard work i feel a little better...very little ! jim

I'm not a doctor but maybe 10mg would be better for ya than 20mg. Paxil is a 1 a day dose drug so 10mg may be easier on you. Everybody's body is different & Paxil may not be the right drug for you. Paxil usually is a seamless drug but if you feel that bad call the Doc ASAP many others he can give you. Dry mouth is common but the rest of your side effects are NOT. They tried every beta blocker on me to slow my heart beat,always been a hyperactive guy, & I felt like you do no matter what beta blocker they gave me. Simple Valium was much easier on me & cheap too. Tell the Doc see what he thinks no use feeling crappie if Paxil is the cause.


Active member
So many have mentioned hobbies, friends, keep busy....
Dont you pick a guitar ?? Anything that gets your mind focused will help. Maybe try some P.O.T.

I dont understand about the meds, and so I'm just asking why or how would feeling :

"nausea, drowsiness, loss of appetite, weakness, tiredness, dry mouth, sweating. i did force myself to get outside,," - be a positive. Doesn't that just make things worse ?


New member
I used to take Paxil many moons ago. The side effects I didn't like either and if you stop taking them just cold turkey it is REALLY bad. My doc switched me to Lexapro. Not as much of a narcotic. Whatever you do hang in there. Life is not easy, but there are people there to help you.


Well-known member
great advice from fellow John Deer's! Wish I would have posted what you did about a year ago. I did the meds thing and it worked well. The only other thing i did, besides what has been stated earlier, was starting an exercise program. I got a buddy to go along with me, we do basic strength and cardio training but nothing crazy serious. I met a bunch of people at the gym, got out of the house, it gave me a good schedule,lost some weight and gained some good strength, etc... Good luck!


New member
Chords - Not worse, but trade-off of an intolerable problem for one that's maybe tolerable or manageble. Everybody is different. Not everybody has the same side effects and one or two side effects may be a very good trade off if the medication helps the problem.


New member
Looking for work these days is depressing all in itself. Loosing family makes it much...
I have been dealing with similar things, and many others I know.

What I have found for me... volunteer work was helpfull for depression. Even going out and ring bells for Salvation Army. Just doing something I feel better.

I also found a part time job, pay is really poor. And it's embrassing when people I know see me there, Some people say some really dumb things. But I am getting out and alot of people I work with there are in similar situations.


New member
update... went to counsler today, we talked about side effects...she said to give it another week and see if i see some positive results. she also said that some of the side effects are because i was expecting instant results, which won't happen-then that becomes a let down, which causes more anxiety...or something like that, the mind is a complicated thing... the worst thing is to sit around and do nothing, this will be my biggest challenge! if i don't see any improvements by next week we will look at other meds...she used the saying "not everybody likes their drinks made the same way" so time will tell.
again i want to thank everyone for their input and words of encouragement, also to john for providing a site like this with a great gathering of people. jim