I've got an uncle that's asked for my assistance in listing a 1946 24' Truscott. It's a work in progress, as he's been slowly restoring it, but needs to move it now. The bottom and hull sides are cedar, not only making it unique but less prone to rot. Topside is mahogany sanded to 180 grit. Original Chrysler Aceneeds to be reassembled. He also has a completely assembled ChrisCraft Hercules M. The M engine is 130hp, rebuilt including updraftcarb and electronic ignition. The boat is sitting in original cradle and doulbe axle steel trailer is included. The five gauge dash cluster has been completely restored. The silk screening is new and all gauges have been updated to electronic. Once completly restored, he's thinking the boat should be worth approximately $100,000, give or take some depending on location of buyer. Any input from anyone with background or knowledge on these boats would be appreciated. Also, any thoughts on what it might be worth as is? Here's a few pics: