Anyone know a good shock re-builder around the Twin Cities


Active member
I'm looking for a recommendation on where to take my shocks in for rebuild around the Twin Cities. If anyone knows of a good shop, let me know. There off of my Summit X if that makes a difference. Thanks for any feedback.


New member in Wyoming, MN if you're on the east side (or north east side)

or in Plymouth, MN if you're on the west side.

Also there is a guy I know, Carter at who deals more with dirt racing shocks but is in Elk River, and not only knows his stuff but also can teach just about anyone how shocks work, and how to get them to work better for you and your riding style.
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New member
Cant say anything about the guy in wyoming, but dave @ shockservice we've used a couple of times. We always get them back in a timeley manor. He gives good deals on multiple sets. Wyoming closer for me but have been using dave for a couple of yrs.
I am the only one of all the above who is a John Dee advertiser and supporter. This is my 7th year as an advertiser on this site. Thanks for the kind words guys. ..... Dave @ DLS Enterprises. 763-449-9472
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New member
B- Line in lindstrom. He does all the set up for slednecks riders, he is honest and stands by him work. I've been takin my shocks to him for over 10 yrs