Anyone ordering a 2022?


Active member
I was pretty close to snow checking a new XCR, but worried about delivery. I just don't trust that I would get it on time. Going to keep riding my '18 XCR.
Switchback Assault 850 also, a mid-life crisis at 60. Keeping either a Viper or old Nytro around just in case of late delivery. First trip scheduled for December 9 and I don't want to be riding the 71 Yami.

First 2-stroke purchase in 20 years. Watch me forget to bring oil.


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I really considered an RMK Matryx 155 650, but, my 2020 RMK only has 500 miles on it, and I REALLY need get into a Yamaha Rmax 1000.


Have a Lynx Rav'eh! RE ordered (that's how Im going to pronounce it, ha!.) Looking forward to trying something different. Was contemplating going to a Backcountry from my '16 Renegade and the Rav'eh! seems to fit a spot in between.
Not sure if it means anything but my paperwork shows Oct. delivery, my buddy's Renegade XRS from the same dealer showed Nov.. Coming from the Finland factory might spread the pain and perhaps not see a delay like the "Doo'ers may see?


Well-known member
You and Abe got me thinking 4 stroke..Renegade 900 Turbo R..only $500 more than my normal Gade 850.
I'll decide on the last day 3/31.


So on a $1100.00 upgrade (list price) your dealer is only charging you $500.00 that sounds like in the resale world you would be a fool not to go with the 900t, 55% off retail.
Renegade 850 for me. I ordered early hoping to get it early. No promises were made for a delivery date but my paperwork shows a window of July - September. That's a pretty big window but as long as they hit that target, I'm good.
First 2 stroke for me in a long time. The last one I bought was in 2002. I spring checked a Viper in 16' and that came in by Labor Day. After riding 4 strokes since 09' I'm also likely to forget to bring oil on my first trip!