Getting close to the end! 28 Yamaha and 56 Polaris! Yamaha is sold out of all LE models so you can no longer get one. Polaris is sold out of Starfire!
Kip, in my business we have been promised and promised delivery times and times have come and gone without product, do you forsee any issues on delivery dates with the supply chain so screwed up? its not snowmobiles but we are still waiting for product we ordered back in November. Hat's off to you on pre-season!! glad to see people still buying!! hope it continues for you[/QUOTE
The trailer biz is a mess dealers have no idea when they will see new product to sell. Promised delivery dates have come and gone still no product. A nearby trailer dealer usually has a 100 or more trailers on their lot is down to an inventory of 25 units. I do think overall the supply lines will improve but workers have to put food on the table and have taken new jobs so even when raw materials start to flow new employees have to be trained in new jobs. New TVs have been overproduced anticipating tariffs that never materialized so one item that’s available at competitive pricing. Strange times ahead for some products new appliances on back order you buy and wait for delivery. Crazy.... has anyone priced lumber? No end in sight to double and triple pricing for some lumber. I’m not sure what new normal will be like!
Go figure on the lumber. Prices are super low on raw products yet prices are through the roof for the finished product. Ridiculous!
Through the roof is putting it mildly, same house priced out a year ago is now a little over 6 figures more to build this year.
Through the roof is putting it mildly, same house priced out a year ago is now a little over 6 figures more to build this year.
I'm a GC with 35 years experience and have built over 600 new homes. I can tell you without question those 6 figure increases being stated are over exaggerated. Example I contracted a new home last March for $252,000.00, this very same house 1 year later (at this moment) is $285,000.00. Everything has gone up somewhat but the lumber package is the real killer.
Seems like there's going to be a lot of low mileage sleds available in a couple years...