Marty, you sum it up perfectly.
I would go one step further though and lay much of what has happened to the exceptionally refined ability of the politicians to get elected, and to knowingly avoid correction of a system that has gone wrong.
If you know what has to be done, but buy off votes, then you OWN everything that happens.
While earlier in this thread, it was pointed out the number of Corporations that pay no taxes, it is simply appalling that these same companies are lobbying for even more tax breaks and reductions of tax, and ability to pay less of their share of government expense. This same government, protects these corporations with an army, medicine, health care and infrustructer which those who are employed by any corporation need to function.
But how can you fix it if your vote is bought off?
Case in point. Right now the Governor of Alaska is lobbying the state legislature to give oil companies who are already drilling in Alaska, huge tax breaks so that they will continue to drill and extracting oil from the north slope. While his efforts to drop away 5 billion dollars in tax revenue from the state coffers fell down with a thud even with the pro-oil crowd in the legislature, the bill has gotten shelved without action, the oil companies are doing a full court press to resurrect the effort and promising to spend billions drilling for new reserves. I read about this saga every day. It would be funny except Alaska needs the money like every other state in the nation. This, no strings attached deal, means that the money in tax that would be used for the State infrastructure will not be collected and the oil companies (who would in all likelihood drill anyway) will simply have another tool to pay even less tax than they already do with these tax credits. Tax credits can be sold traded around and handed off to the highest bidder once they receive them.
We need to pay attention to our politicians and how they vote and NOT assume that they will do the right thing when it comes to voting for issues that put the right interests of the citizens they represent at the top.
Shame on us, if we get more interest in who gets voted off of dancing with stars than we do with how our representatives voted on issues that have long term affects on our country.