This is a great discussion, and a good read.
Making an observation, I think that most county seats complete with lots of government jobs, combined with more recession type businesses that are non-retail, always seem to weather the ups and downs of recession better. Towns that have universities, and students, cop shops, judgeships, and law businesses are all fairly immune to the biggest swings in the economy.
If your business depends largely in discretionary spending, whether that be lodging, or leisure time entertainment, you will feel this recession with a far greater "ouch".
Add in there some hikes in gasoline costs, and building materials, and the hurt is even greater, if folks have to travel further from metro areas to get to you.
So to some who are not bound to the ups and downs quite as much as say someone who builds stainless steel bowls and who are facing heavy competition from abroad, you won't be "seeing" the hits as hard...yet.
At least not right away, but NO single job is exempt from feeling a long and drawn out downward turn....not banks, stockbrokers, politicians, NOBODY!
Eventually you will feel it too. Maybe not fast, and maybe not so deep, but it is bound to get there.
States are now just beginning to deal with the realities of lack of funding...and would have sooner had the Feds not jumped in to cushion the blow....but as the fed begins to pull back the steady stream of funding that has gotten places like Michigan by without a huge melt down, the full effects will be felt and dealt with. As state funding for Universities will certainly impact both professorships, and student loans, even those so called recession proof jobs will begin to feel the pinch. That will then bring the hurt to yet an un-concerned sector.
It all comes back to the idea that there is ultimately no such thing as a free lunch. While lunches can be free for some of the time, eventually the price will have to go up to reflect that cost which can no longer be absorbed.
Put quite simply, this means loss of to bottom; east to west.
The Positive spin on this is that you have to adapt, and evolve, and find new ways to do business. One of the best sources for that is the web. It has revolutionized how we think, buy, do business, and vacation. If you think about it....just how far down the sink hole would we be without it?
So gather up your shoelaces folks....the ride will be bumpy...and only those with sea sick pills should really consider taking the gamble right now. Everyone else should think about a refund, and wait for a better day.
Meanwhile, how about that garden this year?? Maybe you should be thinking about bigger and more diverse....cause dem veggies are gett'n expensive.