Armed forces of the world, rankings.


New member
Found this interesting. Its no wonder Europe can afford a lavish welfare state, the US subsidizes their defense.

ON JULY 18th the British government announced a reduction to the country's army from 101,000 troops now to 84,000 by 2020. Altogether Britain's active armed forces—ie, excluding reserves—numbered 178,000 in 2010, placing it a fairly modest 28th in a global ranking of 161 countries for which data are available. Indeed, its European counterparts Germany and France actually maintain larger armed forces of 251,000 and 238,000 respectively. In absolute numbers, rich and populous countries such as America, China and India keep the biggest militaries. Countries that have seen war (Iran, Vietnam) or are situated in strife-torn regions such as the Middle East also feature prominently. The most heavily militarised country of all is North Korea, where there are 49 military personnel for every 1,000 of its people.


Active member
Canadian Military, lol. they got us.

Hey now guys! Give our friends to the north a little break. They may not have the latest in technology, but give it their best!! (No offense intended for our Canadian pals here. Just a light hearted jab.)


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New member
Canada has the friendliest people in the world. (excluding the rude folks in the Province of Quebec.) They do not need much of an army for the sake of, "who would want to hurt them?" Besides won't the Queen (england) and all the Queens men protect her. If we would stop making enemies and take care of ourselves here first, I bet we could down size quite a bit in the military dept. Look at North Korea, why do you think their army is so large? Zero friends maybe? India, I suspect just don't know what to do with all their people.


New member
Hey now guys! Give our friends to the north a little break. They may not have the latest in technology, but give it their best!! (No offense intended for our Canadian pals here. Just a light hearted jab.)

I am picking myself off the floor.:D


Well-known member
Having grown up on the Ontario border, I have to admit it's tough to resist a jab here and there (long live Bob and Doug Mckenzie) but at one point I worked on the Canadian Patrol Frigate program which, at the time, was a state of the art ship program.

What is a little sobering about the chart is that most of the big spenders are either self proclaimed enemies or at best, suspect allies. If this isn't justification for the expenditure I don't know what is.


Well-known member
What is a little sobering about the chart is that most of the big spenders are either self proclaimed enemies or at best, suspect allies. If this isn't justification for the expenditure I don't know what is.



New member
I think Canada has three combat brigades totaling 15,000 the rest are support personel which total 30,000.Then about 25,000 reserves.