Indy, I have read things that you have put out on this sight going back around at least 15 years maybe more. I'm sure we sent a few things back and forth. Anyways I have older kids ranging from 45 43 21 18 . 2 different wives.

I have been a single Dad last 11 yrs. Sandy Krupp was like my U.P. Mom. So I have been in a club 47 yrs, Marked trails have done some grooming and enjoy the sport. Many hours of work and it is great to see that you are involved in your young guys life. I not trying to tell you what to do, But with my kids and now grandkids that will get certified next year, I have learned from some a few good and bad experiences That it worked a lot better to put your younger or least experienced riders behind your lead driver. Just a thought from an old veteran! Good luck, and remember bad things can happen to good people. Take care Jake