Broken wrist??


New member
oh ick---I was looking online last night and it looks like they are doing this surgery with an orthroscopic? and that way the make a small hole, sounds like recovery from this type of surgery is shorter than cutting it open??

boy I hope this works with full recover as a long day in the back country or cycle ride to Sturgis might be a little painful..

thanks skeeter for the info


New member
Hopefully there well be no bone graph for you. They didn't have to do one on me. They didn't even put me under. Light sedative to relax me and then blocked it. Can't hardly see my scare. During surgery I heard something that sounded like a drill and I said what is that a drill and Doc said no it is a screwdriver and not a Sears Robuck. Good Luck.


New member
Good luck Pat, arthroscopy is by far the best way to go if you have to have it done. Follow Dr's orders to a tee and you'll be back before you know it. I just had my shoulder done 9 weeks ago and have done my phys therapy daily and I should be ready to go in a few weeks. Hopefully yours is far shorter/less severe than that. Take it easy on it the first couple weeks after for sure, it's the most critical healing time. Otherwise you might be riding "lefty" style for a while.. one handed!!


New member
I also broke my wrist about 6 years ago at work falling off a ladder. Casted for 5 weeks but then developed carpel-tunnel due to swelling in the wrist. Had surgery on the wrist and was out an addional 4 weeks. Good Luck with everything!!


New member
I see you said it took from aug till jan to get better? is this the entire time from surgery? from surgery to recovery time?

has anyone else broke their Scafoid bone? if so any info on the herbert screw? reovery time would be great!!looks like 3 to 6 weeks in a cast after surgery...??


New member

No. I broke it in the accident the end of Sept. We didn't really find out it was broken until about 10 days after the accident. The first xray the night of the accident didn't show the break. Because of other injuries I was on crutches but my wrist kept hurting so then I went back to Doc. and he took more and different xrays than the hospital did and sure enough it was broken. I messed around about 2-3 weeks debating if I should have the surgery or let it heal on its own but after I found out how long I would have to be casted and not know if it was going to heal my Doc. persuadeed me to have the surgey the end of Oct. By the first of Jan. I was back riding. I would say about 8 weeks for me but I am a diabetic and sometimes takes longer to heal. I don't know about herbert screw. All I know is I don't regret it and would do it again in a heartbeat. Screw is still in and no problems. I had what they called a soft cast. Like a brace on the bottom and then thick wrapping across the top. Wasn't too uncomfortable. Let us know how it goes. Good Luck


New member
OK that's what I was thinking!
That is what you have "HERBERT SCREW" this is the fastest way of recovery 3 to 8 weeks and the diabetic part probably played a huge part as they say the better the blood flow to the bone the faster it heals. Thank you for your replies as Doc don't say much!learn more here on the Internet. LOL was A little worried about procedure but looks to be the answer to having the best results.

from all my reserch it looks like the way you healed is the longest route, The screw takes the casting time away!was yours cracked all the way across "displaced?"was that Docs idea to cast?Thanks again for your help. "Herbert screw"

thanks everyone again for all your help!will let you all know how it goes!!
Mine was displaced. I had worked at a motorcycle shop and saw a ton of these and asked the Doc what his thoughts were and he recommend that I have it casted. Than 16 weeks later he said he recommed the surgry. I wanted to Kill him, everyone I talked to said they didn't heal very fast and ended up having surgry in the end. I wish I would have pushed the topic a little more. Also at the time I broke mine they cut open the wrist and did the bone graph. I am sure the the process you are going to have done will heal much quicker and be less painfull than what they were doing 14 years ago.
Where does the time go!<font color="ff0000">&#149;</font><font color="ff0000">&#149;</font><font color="ff0000">&#149;</font><font color="ff0000">&#149;</font><font color="ff0000">&#149;</font>


New member
had surgery last week on tuesday feeling better!!sure hope to heal and to heal fast!!!
here the new member to my family...



New member
Yup. Looks like mine did after surgery. Hope you heal as fast as I did. Just make sure and take it easy until Doc gives you the OK. Good Luck.


New member
Yup. Looks like mine did after surgery. Hope you heal as fast as I did. Just make sure and take it easy until Doc gives you the OK. Good Luck.

thanks peppermill your my only ray of hope!! as most people i talk to say its going to be 3months!!they didnt get a screw, just cast and wait so your the only one that went the route of the screw!!

and is it not ironic that when I was staying with you last winter someone fell at one your rentals and I remember how good you treated them--took him back to Chicago so his friends could keep riding!!that very nice of you!!!!!thanks for your help here too...
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New member
Hopefully there well be no bone graph for you. They didn't have to do one on me. They didn't even put me under. Light sedative to relax me and then blocked it. Can't hardly see my scare. During surgery I heard something that sounded like a drill and I said what is that a drill and Doc said no it is a screwdriver and not a Sears Robuck. Good Luck.


No. I broke it in the accident the end of Sept. We didn't really find out it was broken until about 10 days after the accident. The first xray the night of the accident didn't show the break. Because of other injuries I was on crutches but my wrist kept hurting so then I went back to Doc. and he took more and different xrays than the hospital did and sure enough it was broken. I messed around about 2-3 weeks debating if I should have the surgery or let it heal on its own but after I found out how long I would have to be casted and not know if it was going to heal my Doc. persuadeed me to have the surgey the end of Oct. By the first of Jan. I was back riding. I would say about 8 weeks for me but I am a diabetic and sometimes takes longer to heal. I don't know about herbert screw. All I know is I don't regret it and would do it again in a heartbeat. Screw is still in and no problems. I had what they called a soft cast. Like a brace on the bottom and then thick wrapping across the top. Wasn't too uncomfortable. Let us know how it goes. Good Luck

this is exactly how it went!!!the drill thing was interesting--but the block was very freaky!!

samc thank you too!!!you guys give me hope......


New member
Awesome news. You must be a fast healer also. Mine was a little longer but like I said I am diabetic and that can make healing a little longer. Great news.


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Peppermill can you tell me how long the swelling took for were you doing at 4 weeks as that is where I am at this time, and Im still swelled.
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New member
If I remember right it took quite a while for the swelling to go down but it was feeling pretty good at 4 weeks. Couldn't really do any lifting or twisting but was feeling good. Dr. wouldn't give me the ok to ride until he x-rayed it and could see how it was healing. Are you still in the soft cast? Have you had it x-rayed again? Just take it easy. Don't push it. I know you are itching to get out and ride but you have only 1 chance to heal it and heal it right so missing a few weeks of riding will be worth it. Missing a few weeks versus screwing it up so it bothers you the rest of your life wouldn't be worth it. Please take care of it and then when you start to ride be very careful for a while.