Broken wrist??


New member
If I remember right it took quite a while for the swelling to go down but it was feeling pretty good at 4 weeks. Couldn't really do any lifting or twisting but was feeling good. Dr. wouldn't give me the ok to ride until he x-rayed it and could see how it was healing. Are you still in the soft cast? Have you had it x-rayed again? Just take it easy. Don't push it. I know you are itching to get out and ride but you have only 1 chance to heal it and heal it right so missing a few weeks of riding will be worth it. Missing a few weeks versus screwing it up so it bothers you the rest of your life wouldn't be worth it. Please take care of it and then when you start to ride be very careful for a while.

oh very very true!!

I feeling good and as for cast I have been in this splint thing {held on with Velcro} since the second week after surgery!just a x ray the second week when they took swell cast off.

as for getting back I'm not trying to hurry it "don't get me wrong i cant wait" I do want to heal it right. I just have not found anyone that had same break with the same surgery, but you!! so your insight is awesome and most people say6 to 12 months OUCH!!I have next x ray om 1-6


New member
Hopefully you are a fast healer and it won't take 6 - 12 months. Like I said I had surgery the end of Oct. and was riding the first part of Jan. To this day no problem. Wouldn't even know anything had happened.


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I broke my throttle wrist this time 4 years ago. I broke it snowmobiling and had a plate and 7 screws put in. I got my cast off and started PT just in time for my snowmobile trip 4 weeks after I broke it. I wore an oversized glove with a brace on it and got along pretty good. It hurt but I was not going to let that keep me from going on my trip. My wife and doctor were not very happy with me, but I used my head when riding and took it easy. I was just glad to be on the trip. The only time I noticed it was this fall when we had a sudden change in the weather but that was the only time in 4 years I noticed it. I won't lie my physical therapy hurt more then breaking the wrist.


New member
2 years ago from last monday i broke my throttle side wrist snowboarding in Ontario, and came home to a nice big dumping of snow. trails opened the next day, and i was out riding 3 days after i broke it hahaha
i only had a temporary plaster cast too, so that was interesting lol
mine healed in 4 1/2 weeks, and Dr. said the snowmobiling helped it, due to getting increased blood flow to my arm lol

it healed fully, and doesn't bother me usually
i've had once where i was shovelling muck and it gave me a bit of an issue, but it was really cold that day too lol
hope your recovery continues to go great!


New member

Thanks everyone for you comment's and help. The Doc gave me the all clear today..few days of getting stiffness out of hand and off I go......


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I got lucky about five years ago took a header off a scaffold that fell over about 29 ft high.
Landed on my chest head first and chipped a tooth and broke my wrist. Never had a problem with it yet. Still ride like a mad dog


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Doesn't surpise me this stubbs I've seen him fly oh mayb 5 times lets see @ a grassdrags @ 95 the sled flipped 5 times and only a broken collarbone,Hillclimb total the sled @ the finishline and still took a 1st in imp 1000 paramedics gave him a ride 2 the bottom.Racing the grade and launched @ 110 only a broken pelvis and concusion and hop in the truck only 6 hours later and was our support crew.And ever since we left the cructches in truck never needed 2 buy another set.And this is only a few.


New member
Snowbullet was given to me because of stupidity on my part glad to be here yet LEFT WRIST WILL NEVER BE THE SAME .. ME MY Sled a 1/4 mile of pure full out tripple digit threw the air fun then CRASH . Slid 10-15 feet on my face , stopped in front of Huge rock the size of a VW BUG . OUCH LEFT WRIST HURT rode sled back to camp loaded then sat at hospitol for 3 hrs to find out nothing till following monday . Crushed my CARPALS also SHATTERED THE RADIOUS BONE AND ULNA BONE and JAMBED it back into itself .((( my wrist was crushed and shattered the bones that are between the wrist and elbow close to the wrist )) My doc and HELGA his nurse gave me a option PIN IT OR JUST REBREAK IT .. I chose rebreak it !! well the first week i put 50 miles on my sled by the 6th week i had 500 miles on cast and all !! This IS A SHORT VERSION OF WHAT HAPPENED TO ME HOPFULLY THE PIC WORKS -- SNOW or RAIN IS COMMING ACORDING TO MY WRIST !! Worse case YOU are out 6 weeks if you were like me 8 weeks and 3 casts !
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