I want the troops home just as much as anyone. I'm waiting for a call from my brother who has been in Kandahar Afghanistan for the last 3 months. Not to mention the 4 month rotations of overseas/home he has been doing for the past 10+ yrs. The guy is in his late 30s and single- kind of hard to meet, fall in love with, and marry a woman when you spend half of your life in the desert on a military base. He will hopefully not sacrifice his actual life for this country, but he's given up more than his share already.
Anyway.... It is not that simple. Yes, there are issues that need to be dealt with here at home. But we live in a global world. If we do not have troops overseas to keep extremeist governments in check, that will impact us. We cannot simply 'let them fight it out on their own'. Yahoos like the leader of Iran are trying to create nuclear weapons. If he succeeds and you think one of them isn't going to be aimed at us, you live in la la land.
Osama's death is, more than anything, a moral boost at this point. On top of the 3K+ that were lost on 9/11- Al qaeda has carried out MANY other terrorist acts on foreign soil. Subway bombings in London. Suicide bombings in Indonesia. The list goes on and on. It has been widely known that our hunt for him over the past 10 yrs has severely diminished his ability to operate. However- separate factions of his al qaeda regime have popped up, with new/different leaders. I don't see a life without terrorism in my lifetime, but this death is just one tiny step in that direction.
It should be celebrated as a win by our military and government. It does not mean that anything is over. It means we got one up on them. For now. We need to continue to root out the extremists (which would be most successful if we can remove the terrorist-tolerant regimes that rule some of the middle-eastern countries). We need to continue to promote democracy across the world. And we need to continue to support our troops.
If you think this entire thing is about oil, you need to read more. The conspiracy theories are fun, and it's great to knock Bush or Obama or whoever you want to blame everything on- but the reality is that oil is NOT the reason we are at war. We are at war b/c of the one man who was just killed by our military. The war has changed and transformed over the past years. But it was started in response to the actions of Bin Laden and his disgusting attack on us.
I am encouraged by the demonstrations that have been happening recently in the middle east. The Egypt situation. The Syrian uprising. I think the people who have been suppressed by these extreme religious leaders for so long, are starting to see that maybe things can change. And if we all get together, we can make things happen. It's the root of democracy. The people voting for what THEY want. What serves them best. I have high hopes for these nations as it appears they are starting to realize we are not the evil pigs that their leaders have made us out to be. We don't want to steal their oil. We don't want to convert anyone from one religion to another. We want everyone to be able to live in a world free of terror. To have equal opportunities. God bless us all.