Cabin: portable heaters


New member
I keep my cabin thermostat at 45. I currently use a ceramic small disc heater to help bring the room up to temperature. This method works good but I am looking for bigger and better. I have a screen porch with glass windows that I also use the heater in to take the chill out in the fall. The key words here are cheap and fast and has to run on electricity


New member

I have heard good things about those plug in electric looking wood stoves you can get at Home Depleto for under $200.00.

Otherwise if I remember our last conversation when we met at your work our cabins are pretty close, I have a wood stove sitting in my garage I have no need for I would give you if you came and got it.



i have one of the electric fake wood stove in my cabin and it works very good we figure about a dollar a day in elec. once the cabin gets warmed up it is all i need it is also great for drying gloves and boots.


Well-known member
I also use a few heaters to get the cabin up to temp my prob is I olny make it up a few times a winter so no 45 more like -0I sometimes use my fish house heater the small propane mrheater type that uses the small tanks you get for a few bucks.usualy use that till cabin gets warm enough for fan to work in stove.or I just turn on stove and jump on the sled and head to the bar for a few hours


New member
Please use carbon monoxide detector at home AND at your cabin.<font color="ff0000">&#149;</font><font color="ff0000">&#149;</font><font color="ff0000">&#149;</font><font color="ff0000">&#149;</font><font color="ff0000">&#149;</font>

Just lost a good friend who was up bow hunting last weekend at his cabin.


New member
Also be careful with the amount of amps you're pulling. We ran several electric and electric oil heaters at our camp until the woodstove caught up. I had to rewire several connections that were actually melting in the breaker box. I'm sure much of it was due to the age of the cottage, but it scared the heck out of me for sure. Be carefull!!!



New member
"...Please use carbon monoxide detector at home AND at your cabin"



Remember to never use anything that has OPEN flames inside the cabin without really good ventilation.

Electric has no flame, and is safe as long as you don't tip it over or something could fall on it to cause a fire.

Let's error on the safe side folks....too many people counting on you to come home on one piece!


New member
We use a big buddy heater to heat up the sled trailer at night and it has a low oxygen shut off. We use the trailer for a portable hunting shack.


New member
My dad bought one of those infrared heaters. It and really heats things up, and cost nothing to operate, and are really inexpensive. He puts it under an end table in the living room and it works just fine.


New member
I have an EdenPure heater and love it. It does cost more than what they advertise to use it though, but it's not too bad. I use it in our finished basement as supplemental heat. It gets the tiled floor nice and warm.
