Although I'll prolley regret this but I hafta agree with Snoboulder on this one...
There just aint no "Purrfect setup"...
it's all up to the individual I guess. I think I have the perfect setup for me...on my sleds. I have tried woody's dually's (however you spell that) and Bergstrom Triple points on several sleds. All Yamaha's and a couple of Ski-Doos. I went to snow trackers for my 2006 apex and 2007 attak. Made a huge (night and day) difference. Continued with snow trackers after that on my 2011 Apex XTX and 2012 Apex XTX. I then bought my current 2 up a 2013 Venture GT and ordered the tuners skis for it and contacted Scott Bergrstom to try his ideal setup with the tuner skis. Had his triple point on one of the spots on the ski (can't remember inside or out) and a wear bar on the other. Rode about 100 miles with this setup and immediately went back to the stock yamaha skis with snowtrackers. I use the agressive trackers on all the sleds including the Venture (2up). FOR ME...THIS IS MY IDEAL SETUP.
The snowtrackers eliminate the darting and very minimal push in the corners. I would imagine whoever thinks they "aren't all that" hasn't ridden with them or possibly read negative comments online. I've never experienced one of the negative "issues" discussed online except for have to cross railroad tracks head on. They will grab the tracks if snow is not too deep and you cross at an angle.
By the way, I have put literally thousands of miles on my trackers. I don't ride off trail and don't think they would be good for doing the boondocking thing.
I love the security it gives me in the corners not knowing what knucklehead is coming around the corner and that I can react quickly to get out of the way. This is my opinion and you will probably hear many others, but best thing to do is try them and decide for yourself. Hope this helps.