Carter's Corner.....


New member
Anyone here heading to Togwotee this winter???

I cant wait to get back out there this winter after the broken wrist last year I am going nutz waiting for winter.......

see ya soon Carter......





New member

I'm in. Currently looking at coming out over the Holidays. The place is always busy and it's difficult to ride with Carter because of demand, so might have to ride with someone else. Will also be booking an early March trip as well.

Are you actually going to make it to Haydays this year Carter? Maybe we can find you a dunk tank or something.......

Thanks for the new thread Pat. Now I need to go rummage through the photos to add to this.


New member
I'm in. Currently looking at coming out over the Holidays. The place is always busy and it's difficult to ride with Carter because of demand, so might have to ride with someone else. Will also be booking an early March trip as well.

Are you actually going to make it to Haydays this year Carter? Maybe we can find you a dunk tank or something.......

Thanks for the new thread Pat. Now I need to go rummage through the photos to add to this.

lets do march.......had a blast riding with you!!!

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New member
Carter Sez.....

Hey, thanks for the new thread. Lets get it big... I'm going to get a complex with all these stuck pix's. Pat, I know you have a few of me not stuck?????? I think!!! Also, for you guys working on a trip plan, remember the process; call the lodge direct, be sure to tell them what guide you want and ask to be put on that guides list for your time, if you are asking for me you call me direct on my cell and I do follow through and make it happen. Kris is right, I get slammed and sometimes too many people in a group. I will not let your trip be affected by that and to get you with a guide with less people. We do have a good group of guides. Some of you know I ride well with 10 guys. Sounds like a lot but the way I run it isn't. Techsledder knows, saw a big group and went small the first day. Rode with me the rest of the trip and loved it.6 or 7 in that group. Also, I will give accurate snow reports. On this thread or call me. I want you here as bad as you want to be here. It's all about the snow. Cell is: 307-690-2053 As for Hay Days, I don't know. Work is slow and timing is everything. If a job pops up and the same timing, I'll stay and work. I'm trying....


New member
Yep Here A Video I have of ya.........

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hey Carter check out Robbie.........
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We will have a decent size group going out in the end of February, does anyone know which guides are coming back from last year?


New member
Is it snowing yet ?

I AM IN ! I am hoping for a trip over the holidays and again in early March !


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Odd Parking Place

Now why would Carter intentionally park his sled under a tree? Not to be outdone, Justin decides he can find a better place to park his guide sled. Boy this sounds like fun about now.......and Pat, who says Cat's can't swim??


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New member
Carter Sez.....

Thanks Kris.... SEE.. I'm not the only one getting stuck... Cats can swim. All the guides from last year are returning. Noah,Ryan, Justin, Jeff, Carter, Brent, Nathan, and part timer David.


New member
I know you very busy in the winter but if you could do snow report here that be awsome carter........

here a video of Carter and justin!!!cant go wrong with them two......good times for sure!!!!!!!!

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.......and Pat, who says Cat's can't swim??

Kitty swimming > Kris, I barrowed that pick from you last year and made it my personal album cover for our trip out to TOG... this was for my brother that was picking up that very same model/year HC AC on our way out.


New member
Carter Sez.....

I'm going to do a snow report all winter. I'll try to be more specific than " oh my god, or holy crap, or geeeeeeezzzzzz. Riding in 3 ft. of bottomless powder tends to do that to me....LOLOLOLOLOL. I just figured it out, this will be my way at getting back at you guys for all the stuck pix's. I will have good info to. Last year was a learning curve for me all the bad info that got out there. The 3 mile trail out to the turn up to game creek was just trash, and up in game we rode 3 and 4 ft. of fluff. Was it worth coming in early season, **** yes but the info out there made it sound as all was bad. Same thing crossing the road. It was narly the first mile getting up past the ist. ravine. Then we had 2 and 3 ft of pow. and up in the lower hills and rock garden it was 3 and 4 ft. It sure looked bad from the road. I try not to let that bad info happen this year. If I slip you can scream at me on here. One of the best kept secrets is early season riding.. its deep and bottomless to the dirt. Gotta be a little careful and ride with some knowledge. But it is awesome its so deep. Hasn't had a chance to set up. This type of riding will put you to the test and make you a better rider. Right after Cat left it was great riding and fresh snow up top. Lower trails were bad for 4 miles up to 100 mile an hour hill than just fine. Os you gotta believe me when I say it ain't what you see from the highway.....more later...


New member
Yep I remeber last winter in march and ther was a few who kept saying it was over and snow was bad....well you were right on the money Carter.....
