Cash for Clunkers - Vehicles Traded In


New member
Just curious if anyone has driven through your local dealer's parking lots to see what cars / trucks have been traded in for this program. I saw cars / trucks that are truly clunkers but, there are a great many that are far from clunkers.

Sad thing is, the program specifically states to destroy the engine using liquid glass to seize the engine. Trash the rest after a period of time.

Just wanting to here the thought from the rest of the world...



Have noticed more than a few 10 year old pick-ups destined for destruction that would make fine second or third 'beater' vehicles. Seems like a waste to me. This was good for the dealers because they got to charge full SRP on many of the vehicles they sold. It was good for the mfgrs because they even had to increase production for some models. But in the end it is taxpayer funded. It is nice to see a little boost for the automotive business but it is not an equally distributed benefit for the taxpayers. However, we taxpayers have funded far stupider things than the CARS program. No clear answer for me.


New member
what a waste why the <font color="ff0000">&#149;</font><font color="ff0000">&#149;</font><font color="ff0000">&#149;</font><font color="ff0000">&#149;</font> couldnt the govt sell them cheap to low income families are something. maybe i dont see the whole picture but seems like a huge waste.




New member
yep have to agre , I was in some of my dealers yesterday and just blowen away by the cars and trucks they are going to destroy....


Well-known member
it is sad what is traded in.I was driving around dealers last Mo looking for a winter truck for the wife and I was supprised.I saw a few trucks I would have bought.I ended up buying a 01 mountaineer with 95k on it loaded the guy was thinking of clunkering it if he did not sell.But on the up side my wife,s dad sells cars so I got 4 new never used tires off 4 diff mountaneers spare tire 4 16 in goodyear wranglers and a 6 disk changer set of winter mats a cargo liner my own little bailout.


In my opinion they should keep this program going. I don't qualify... but in my mind if they can throw ~150 billion at AIG then they can afford another 3 billion for working Americans.

Just my .02.

- pfeifest


New member
Lately, I've notice families driving cars that could use these so called clunkers. Some are not even safe to drive on the road. Others smoke so bad they must fill the oil and check the gas.

A lot of the traded in cars / trucks would be 300% better than what they have. The CARS program should have been written to get the unsafe cars / trucks off the highway instead of the "gas guzzlers" - I say that loosely...

I would have thought they recycle nuts would have been all over that one. It seems a lot of good parts are being destroyed prematurely...



New member
I've seen very nice Cadillacs traded in under this program with new tires on them. What a waste. At least save the tires and Batteries from these cars, both will work in the "energy saver" cars. This program is a total waste. $2500 per car would of got the intended job done.


Well-known member
sad but true I saw a lexus suv the small one. no rust good tread no dents I could see from a fast lookover with CFC spray painted on the side.


New member
Just to echo what everyone else has said I have seen many clunkers with a whole lot of life left in them destined for the boneyard. Per the program rules all those cars must be destroyed.

I'll tell you this somebody somewhere is going to make a lot of money parting out those cars, yes I know they can't be parted out.

Yeah right The Government is having a hard enough time just mailing dealers the rebate money let alone ensuring that all those cars will be properly disposed of, perhaps B. Hussien Obama will appoint a clunker Czar who will be responsible for prosecuting anyone that removed an alternator from a 2001 Voyager minivan.

You do realize this is a glimpse of Government run health care!


Active member
The whole C.A.R.S. program was intended to get those evil gas hogs off the road, as opposed to letting them get in the hands of anyone else who might have wanted 'em!

Oh pytavey, did anyone see any dealers destroying anything like a 1998 Rolls-Royce Silver Spur Park Ward for a quick $4,500.00 payment?

(Mileage: 9 mpg city, 13 mpg highway, combined 11 mpg. Premium gas, please, current market value o/a $130,000.00 - $140,000.00)

Or maybe a 2002 Lamborghini L-147 Murcielago?

(Mileage: 8 mpg city, 12 mpg highway, combined 10 mpg. Premium gas, please.)



New member
To me its a joke what about all the folks that are having a hard time with their mortgages and now a car payment.You give it a year or two and see how many cars get repoed back.I also fell for the auto parts business a friend of ours owns then there are all the high school kids whom need transportation (i doubt they can afford a new one)back and fourth to school and work.Then there are the scrap yards politically correct recycle yards they will be loosing cars do to being smashed up rather then parted out. this thing helped the dealers out not the ppl just my thoughts.Well i;m going to jump in my 92 Chevy pickup which needs an exhaust system i;m going to go buy from my buddy and install today peace all its got to get better soon i hope