Agree with all except for your false thesis on the Conman. However, you are just one of so many, many, who were sucked into his cons, ruses! Perhaps just as wishful thinking prevailed, eh! Dig into the details, and research what's real. He's been nothing but a Conman his whole life.
I am not into the Left wing dogma of politics. Nobody cares about Critical Race Theory, BLM (Burn Loot murder), and the White man thrashing. Look around Abe, and see the reality facing all of us. Is slow Joe making this better? NOT... You should at least try to provide some factual evidence of the falsehoods Trump made within the context of what he was trying to convey. I am not going to spell it out for you regarding the impeachment of Trump or the unmasking thru the FISA court which should never have happened. You can head over to the conservative tree house as well as .gov for factual evidence. Use the search function.
Right now we have runaway inflation, a military that is ineffective; and General Miley more interested in LGBT and CRT. Afghanistan is in tatters and the fool in chief is finally coming out to see his shadow tonight. Like Tucker Carlson said" When do we start holding these politicians and the military accountable". Millions of dollars worth of buildings and infrastructure were destroyed by Left wing radicals. You know Abe, it's those fires raging in the background during Trumps tenure that CNN said was peaceful protests. But the protesters on capitol hill seem to be more dangerous?
Like everyone around Biden said, He can screw up a $hit sandwich. He hasn't done a damn thing in 50 years. Did you expect better after the election? Has he united the country as he said he would, or has it gotten worse with the rhetoric from the White house. Don't forget the crackhead son and the stolen laptop story that got buried like Jimmy Hoffa!
Mathew 6:24 comes to mind. “No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money.
I can post a load of links to back it up if you want to backpedal Abe, but I believe most here are smart enough to see the damage done to this country from the divide and conquer tactics being used. Look at social media and the censorship of the conservative views. You want to call that freedom Abe? The squashing of scientific debate over Covid from the very people who created the vax? Freedom?
All of this has been from your favorite commander in thief. I'll also wager that if the vax cards for interstate travel are implemented, John's site, Michigan, Wisconsin, or any other snow destination won't have much to write about. Once the truckers bail on this crap we will all be up the creek. There won't be any of them willing to cross state lines if they refuse the jab. And I am sure there are millions of them that won't.
And don't forget to turn your back and take a knee when the National Anthem is played. Ya gotta love the Left wing politics.
There is the old adage, If you don't believe in the same freedoms for your enemies as your friends, then you don't believe in freedom at all.
The first casualty in all wars is the truth!
The media that was suppose to protect freedom and democracy has become the enemy.
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