So next week i go in for the scope.......anything i need to be concerned about ?? How much toilet paper do i need to stock up on ??
You wanted the horror story?
I had been procrastinating for far too long about having a colonoscopy. When a friend a few years older than myself was found to have colon cancer, I finally bit the bullet and scheduled my own colonoscopy last year. I had already had a
flexible sigmoidoscopy some decades ago, so I was at least minimally prepared for the experience.
You will probably find the "prep kit" to be a
major nuisance, hopefully more so than the exam itself. The previous comments have it right, stay
very close to the "throne room"!
I opted to do the colonoscopy
without any anesthetic. None, zip, zero, nada, just my preference. So I was fully conscious and aware of the "joys of colonoscopy" for the entire procedure.
Once the endoscope is inserted, you will soon feel
major pressure as you are pumped full of air (inflating and expanding the colon, to allow a clear view of the whole pipeline). Oh geez, talk about
pressure! Visions of exploding intestines all over the exam room! (And that's without any anesthetic!)
In my case, the doc did his best to ram all fifteen feet (well okay, really about five feet) of that damn endoscope up the descending colon (left side), and then across from left to right (the transverse colon), and ultimately down the ascending colon (right side). No dice. Try as he might,
there was no getting beyond midway through the transverse colon. Had to abandon the procedure. Diagnosis: A
tortuous/redundant colon (see extreme pictures
here); colons like these have no health implications, but they're definitely no fun in a colonoscopy! [Reminiscent of that old
Zork computer game of the 1970's, just a "maze of twisty passages"!
So a failed colonoscopy. Backup plan: Yet another "prep kit" a week or so later (oh frabjus joy!), and a "
Barry M." Goldwater memorial —
Barium enema/X-ray scan. Yes, they'll
fill your colon with a somewhat chalky white X-ray blocking barium solution, then shoot several X-rays from various angles.
For me, results: No (Gen. "Colon") Powells … er, colon
polyps, or any other nasties, just few harmless diverticula.
I do
not plan to endure either of those two experiences ever again in this lifetime!