

How can we complain when all John's forecasts including the seasonal outlook have been spot on this year. His record has to be approaching 100% damn it.

Who forecasted weather in the 40's? John! Who forecasted no snow? John! Who then is to blame? Once again I am jesting. Any Midwest snowmobiler worth his salt loves John and his forecasts. I simply wanted us to be able have a forum to vent our frustration with the current forecasts. So here it is...


Well-known member
big diff between John and the other guys is that they editorialize their forecast to please snowhaters by bragging about the glorious high of 45 today and then when it snows, they appologize....LOL
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John - You know we all love you. But I see in response to all this peer pressure I see you put a few inches in the 5-10 forecast. Keep it up boys - its working!!


Worked half a day today. Rode the bike to the gas station to top off the tank, Stabil it and put it away. Wound up riding for three hours instead. Caught the bug again. Calling the guys to ride the bikes tomorrow. If life gives you lemons.....


Well-known member
Yep saw a Honda CBR here in the twin cities today, sure there will be more out this coming week. Think I saw a 49 in the forecast 😭

I'd love to ride cycle too but the overzealous road department put down the salt slurry twice in Green Bay, and it never snowed. Nothing like washing the car on a sunny day and hit a road with fresh salt slurry, oui.


New member
It's was a great start except..every sled from MI, WI, MN, IL IA and IN was in the UP.

It reminds me of the nature shows in the African savanna before the rainy season when all of the animals are crowded around the one tiny watering hole drinking the mud!!!


50 degrees out, gas the cheapest it has been in few years and no snow. Gee what is there to complain about, yeah this sucks.


New member
Getting pretty pathetic to actually "try" to be positive year to year "hoping" to ride locally "maybe" for what,....2 months it seems?
Heck,... at least I could count on trailering a couple hours to the Yoop,... but when THEY don't even have a drop of snow,... Yikes!
Sleds will always be like New I guess,... just won't use them,... (that's what I tell myself),... What for?,.... Kid is out of the house,...
May as well look for a gig down in Tennessee or Texas,... at least,...(wake up Vin,... wake up!!!!)
Really though,....
Never really "thought" about getting out of it,.... not until this year,...
Maybe give it a couple more duds,.... Then bail??
I hope we have real hot summers and everything is brown and dead,...
so all the people who think THIS weather is GREAT,... can CRY,....
And I can sit back and laugh,....
That's It!
Reverse Karma!
52 degrees out today predicted,.... 35 miles North of Green Bay on December 5th,....
Kentucky Wisconsin,... YeeHaw!!!!!!!



Not happy about it but what can you do. I would settle for enough cold and snow for cross country and down hill skiing by New Years. Want to get the young grandkids skiing, New Years is the date. Virtually no chance of going up before then., even to ski.

Unfortunately I have low expectations for this year.


We have season passes to Indianhead/Blackjack & they aren't open yet either. So we wait...................

Thankfully I'm not in the business anymore but I know the dealers & tourist businesses will be hurt.


Well-known member
It reminds me of the nature shows in the African savanna before the rainy season when all of the animals are crowded around the one tiny watering hole drinking the mud!!!

I remember stopping in Greenland to get gas at the (Marathon if I remember correct) and there were 25-30 sleds in line to gas up. I even saw a Rupp Nitro in line, I mean everyone was there.


Active member
It's all Goebel Warming? …
Did Mudder Nature just ferget ta put da (click →) beer in da 'fridge?
(As a kid in Deetriot, that's what we had when da parents fergot ta do dat.)


New member
20 years ago at a ski hill that I run , a volunteer had a hip replaced. We do not make snow and that year we were not able to open because of no snow. (also the trails didn't open) He's having the other hip replaced this Dec!!!!.