Congress & CFL bulbs


Well-known member
saw that a year or so ago,...must be circulating again....this is a great example why its time for change in this wasteful over regulated country that we as citizens have let go control of through ignorance.
the EPA is unelected and therefore, unconstitutional


Let me preface by saying there's no way we should be forced to buy CFLs.

Now, what is the problem with CFLs? I like saving money on electricity... don't you? I hope LED lighting takes off more though, much better than CFLs.


New member
my cfl don't last any longer than cold weather they hardly even turn on till their warmed up,if it's below zero they wont start at my opinion i am switching to led is way more expensive right now but technology is heading in that direction.


Well-known member
how many more polutents are created making cfl?dont know but we have plastic tiny board phosphrus coating in bulb tinny balist mercury.or opt 2 glass steel .BS on lasting that much longer in fact if in a upside down pos they last less time than a standerd bulb the heat warps the case and heats up the base and causes fast failer om electronics in base of bulb I wouls say in my exp on say bath over mirror lights the standerd bulb will last at least 1/4 longer and cost 75% less


New member
My personal issue with the CFL's is the color rendering, they have come a ways but I still can't tell which socks are blue and which are black unless I open the shades and hold them up to the natural light. Congress would be smart to push the bill until LED's come further and down in price. You would then never really need to replace the lamp (unless you use it more then 100,000 hours.

We use LED for commerical lighting, but the ROI (return on investment) is not there in Wisconsin, where electrical energy is around $.85/KWH for commercial purchase. NY and CA it is a bit different where energy can cost upwards of $.16/KWH, so the payback drops/ROI drops below 8 years as a replacement for Metal Halide or Incandecent.




Well-known member
another example of gov't getting where they shouldn't.... if they are so great and save sooo much money people would buy them on their own! don't legislate and don't subsidize!


CFL's are junk. They dont last as advertised and they give out weird light. They don't work in the cold. They are more money. They are the ethanol of the lighting industry.


New member
Just another example of the dipshets in DC.The same aholes telling us what kind of bulbs we HAVE to buy and they can't even pass a budget in the last year and half when they control the house, senate and the white house. Gotta luv it ,yaa morons