Construction Zones


Active member
The chances of someone rear ending you is pretty slim. If you watched in front of you instead of in your rear view mirrors maybe you'd be more comfortable driving the speed limit.

I don't know what you do for a living, based on your comment you are not a civil engineer. So you are going to tell a licensed engineer he is wrong! A lot of rear end accidents happen because of speed differential.

Grant Hoar

New member
. Engineer s can't be wrong?
☺ I'm out.

No, he didn't say that. Engineers are smarter than to admit it on social media.

Little update; yesterday, I drove the same route home during rush hour, with construction activity still going on behind the barrier walls. Same route, and set cruise control exactly at the speed limit and stayed in the right lane. 290 vehicles passed me, and I passed 1 truck. Cars entering from on ramps passed me, cars behind me that exited passed me on the exit ramps. Even had a state trooper going with the flow of traffic sail past me 10 to 15 mph over the limit. Many cars that passed me, the drivers gave me the evil eye when they went passed. I had six vehicles that came up so close behind me that I couldn't even see their headlights in my rear view mirror, and I was about to stomp on the gas to get away from them, so that was less than 10 feet from being rear-ended (six times in 20 minutes). Enough of this, going back to my 10 mph over the limit


Active member
Yea I hear you.
I actually noticed yesterday on the highway I actually watch more vehicles in the mirrors than I realized.
Guess till it's brought to your attention and you pay attention to what your doing, you don't always see it.
I almost always drive the speed limit, but yesterday I also noticed that I was getting "pulled" up to the flow of traffic not even noticing it.

Traffic here admittedly is not as bad as there but we sure do still have an awful lot of terrible drivers.
I've always timed my travels through that area at NON rush hour times and never had any real bad issues. May not want to chance driving through during rush hours which I hear is sun up till after dark.


Well-known member
I am not saying speeding is RIGHT, any where construction zone or not
BUT I tend to drive with the FLOW, as I personally think when your NOT going with the flow your impeding it, which as is speeding is against the law in most states

I never drive faster than I feel I can be in control of things, I don't ride folks tails, and try my best to look as far forward as possible so I have the best reaction time possible for things that happen

NOW< as for speeding in a construction zone as to any where else??
if you are in control of your vehicle, its some what the same
as at ANY hi way speeds, NOTHING or any human should be in the lanes of flow!
so, an accident, is as likely IMO< (to a degree) at 45-as 65
if anything POPS out in front of you at either speed, your ODDS of missing it are few
NOW will that translate into things flying MORE Into workers 65 vs 45?? I guess but either one is NOT good
as for being rear ended in construction zones,
BACK to impeeding the flow of traffic I blame a LOT of this on
there are folks that wish to go SLOW, as being in between jersy walls, scares them, and they go UNDER Speeds, and it still takes a piss poor driver to rear end them, but them being in a FAST lane and going SLOW slow, isn't helping things
I tend to think accidents happen more when FAST drivers meet SLOW drivers and neither one has any respect for each other
BOTH tend to feel there right and the most important driver on the road

in my 30+ yrs of driving, I have seen FAR more folks TRY to MAKE folks SLOW down by pulling out in front of them (many times SLAMMING brakes on to be spiteful about it too) or getting on side of someone else that is going SLOW n d refusing to let FLOW go by!
PLAIN and SIMPLE RUDE drivers here!
move right and let the flow go, your backing things up!!

and refusing to move out of the way of someone that WISHES to speed
again BOTH wrong here
BUT I can see a LOT more accidents being caused by folks that try to SLOW others down, rather than just moving off to the side and letting JOE rocket racer just pass them,
I watch my mirrors, when I see folks closing in on me, I move out of way, simple, NO big deal
**** I like it when they pass me, as I use them to get tickets so I don't LOl

most all Hi ways have two lanes or more, wish to drive slow, stay right, want to go fast, stay left
have respect for ALL drivers, slow guys DON"T be haters on fast guys, thats what cops are for!
ain't your JOB to regulate how they go!
if you must, call the police and report them, but don't be a TOOL, and try and use your SO CALLED OPINION on whats FAST or TOO fats and stick your vehicle in harms way!
your the accident waiting to happen
Drivers PAY attention, to DRIVING YOUR vehicle
I see more issue's with folks texting and eating and all over the road, more than I have issues with a IN control vehicle speeding SOME in a construction zone
drivers in La LA land at the wheel scare me!

as for construction zones??
WHY do they have to start closing lanes to one lane 8 miles in advance and BACK things up when NOTHING is being done on closed side of road???
had that today, 8 miles, went from 70 MPH to a dead stop to 15 mph thru it, and NOT a single thing was being done, not a piece of machine, a hole dug or a worker??
SO<< speed thru that?>? If I could I would have gladly
HAHA< happens a lot up my way so??


Active member
. Engineer s can't be wrong?
☺ I'm out.

No, more to the point I was say you don't know what you are talking about when it comes to accidents. What credentials to you have to tell an engineer what causes accidents? When was the last time you did an accident study or crash analysis? Or even seen one? I would guess never. Is this the first time you ever heard the terms? And I am not talking about the police investigating an accident either. Crash analysis is something completely different that police don't even do because they are not qualified to do.


Active member
As a qualified driver, my crash analysis of what causes accidents is SPEED. Whats the big hurry ?


Well-known member
I don't block faster traffic but I will slow down to 5 over in a construction zone so not to hold traffic up. If you don't care about my brothers and sisters fixing your highways then your feelings getting hurt doesn't bother me .


Well-known member
from my understanding of WHY speed limits have been raised from traditional 55- to 65 and then many places to 70
its because they studied things and found that its NOT a big enough difference in speeds PER accidents the reaction time of a accident from 55- to 65-70(even a few higher) , is SUPER small
thus why states have these speeds as what they feel are SAFE Speed limits

again I am NOT saying to speed in construction zones or any where else
my point was folks trying to MAKE Others drive slower by lane blocking to STOP folks going faster are just as wrong and asking for an accident, as are speeders
two wrongs DON"T make a right!!

as for what's the hurry, that's a loaded question, as never know WHY someone else is speeding
I have personally been in some situations that were medical related where time to get some place was urgent, and waiting on a ambulance wasn't an option

and having folks TRY to SLOW me down was just plain WRONG, had a cop caught me, they would have escorted me lights a going!

SO> never know WHY someone is speeding
why pretend to be a cop or the LAW< when your NOT!
feel free to take a plate number down and report it, but DON"T block the flow
again TWO wrongs don't make a right!


Well-known member
If I know I can get 2 other like minded folks to join me in keeping a reasonable safe flow of traffic through a construction zone, I will do it every time.
Siddling up with a semi or 2 is usually the best way to accomplish this.

You self centered dipsticks don't matter to me.

At the end of the day,...the lousy 2 minutes you save while filling your role as a dipstick doesn't matter to anyone either.
You only matter when you don't do stupid trivial self serving chit.
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New member
I'm guilty of being over a little bit on their days off, but NOT when they're out there working. Heck no. I've been on enough accident scenes and have seen enough close calls to know better.


Active member
Hey Grant, how about the "on ramps" they've built during the construction on I-90? Basically, you have about 1/8th mile to merge into the right lane before you are out of room and end up in it like it or not. Probably the reason there are crashes every morning on this stretch. Totally dangerous and a great reason for everybody to slow down.


Active member
Hey Grant, how about the "on ramps" they've built during the construction on I-90? Basically, you have about 1/8th mile to merge into the right lane before you are out of room and end up in it like it or not. Probably the reason there are crashes every morning on this stretch. Totally dangerous and a great reason for everybody to slow down.
And it's amazing to me how many drivers on such on-ramps fail to grasp the simple concept that you have to accelerate, often rather briskly, matching your speed to the speed of the traffic hauling down the freeway, then you're supposed to aim for a gap in traffic; do not aim for one of the vehicles! They just mosey on down the ramp at 35-45 or so then wonder why it's difficult to merge with the traffic that's moving at freeway speed¹! Duh! :confused:

It might be useful if the traffic in the right lane bothered to anticipate and even notice the merging traffic, then either adjust their speed to open a gap, or move into the next lane, if that option is available. Drivin' the freeway (Los Angeles¹, anyone?) is exciting enough without an abrupt and thrilling maneuver as some dim-bulb on the on-ramp attempts to merge with your vehicle at the last second!

[¹ Of course "freeway speed" at "rush hour" in Los Angeles is often 10-15 MPH! (6 to 8 lanes in each direction, but no "rushing" happening there!)]

Another curiosity I've observed, particularly on westbound I-10 from ≈ Redlands/Ontario to ≈ Los Angeles/Santa Monica is the way the traffic (when moving at a brisk pace, not "bumper-to- bumper") routinely travels in "platoons", with meaningful gaps between each, one "platoon" favoring the right lanes, the next favoring the left, etc. so if you're haulin' azz you have to continually drift from one edge of the freeway to the other to pass 'em, all the while on the lookout for the "CHIPS" in the black & whites! ( 😇 )


Active member
My question of "whats the big hurry " was more of a general one of todays traffic and why some think they are more important - not a medical emergency which may happen in a POV , but rare in the big picture


Active member
I'll agree with the slow your @$$ down in the construction zone concept along with the surface streets and hoods... But if your on the open highway and you play the slow down game with me I'll then consider you fair game for play...


I'll agree with the slow your @$$ down in the construction zone concept along with the surface streets and hoods... But if your on the open highway and you play the slow down game with me I'll then consider you fair game for play...

"Fair game for play?" Please elaborate. Keeping in mind that what gets said on the interwebs can never be unsaid.


Active member
Intentional holding people back is a game that is played quite often by people and that they believe what they are doing is righteous... Unfortunately in my book that's is wrong...


Well-known member
have to ask, if lane blocking to slow folks down , is what some like to do
HOW is it going to help if some speed demon lack of paying attention type driver rear ends you and causes a crash??
as that seems to be what folks say here is a common like crash, being rear ended??

and then YOU cause d the accident doing your BLOCKING deal??

as had you let moron number one, just go past you, maybe all would have been fine

and again I am NOT saying speeding in a construction zone is right
I'm just saying MY observation is , lane blocking to CONTROL things YOU don't LIKE<
tends to make the speeder do DUMB things to TRY and get past you, which HIGHLY raises the odds of an accident

accidents to me seem WAY more common when the slow and the fast bang heads!
brings out the road rage

a simple move over and let em by , and or call in there plate for speeding, to me is the least possible accident pron idea!

COPs do tend to sit near construction zone, and its very possible a simple call can lead Speed racer to get a ticket by a LEGAL officer !!

you getting rear ended in a construction zone isn't helping the workers at all either!!


Active member
The title of the thread is Construction Zones. I am all for being extra careful and doing the posted Construction Speed Limit (when workers present). That said, I have to urge all of you to merge to the right unless passing. Driving in the left lane causes traffic jams. MI, WI, IL, IN and 36 other states have some type of law that make it illegal to clog the left lane. That's right in some states the law would rather have the speeder have the left lane than you and you can get a ticket. Here are just a couple of links
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