I am not saying speeding is RIGHT, any where construction zone or not
BUT I tend to drive with the FLOW, as I personally think when your NOT going with the flow your impeding it, which as is speeding is against the law in most states
I never drive faster than I feel I can be in control of things, I don't ride folks tails, and try my best to look as far forward as possible so I have the best reaction time possible for things that happen
NOW< as for speeding in a construction zone as to any where else??
if you are in control of your vehicle, its some what the same
as at ANY hi way speeds, NOTHING or any human should be in the lanes of flow!
so, an accident, is as likely IMO< (to a degree) at 45-as 65
if anything POPS out in front of you at either speed, your ODDS of missing it are few
NOW will that translate into things flying MORE Into workers 65 vs 45?? I guess but either one is NOT good
as for being rear ended in construction zones,
BACK to impeeding the flow of traffic I blame a LOT of this on
there are folks that wish to go SLOW, as being in between jersy walls, scares them, and they go UNDER Speeds, and it still takes a piss poor driver to rear end them, but them being in a FAST lane and going SLOW slow, isn't helping things
I tend to think accidents happen more when FAST drivers meet SLOW drivers and neither one has any respect for each other
BOTH tend to feel there right and the most important driver on the road
in my 30+ yrs of driving, I have seen FAR more folks TRY to MAKE folks SLOW down by pulling out in front of them (many times SLAMMING brakes on to be spiteful about it too) or getting on side of someone else that is going SLOW n d refusing to let FLOW go by!
PLAIN and SIMPLE RUDE drivers here!
move right and let the flow go, your backing things up!!
and refusing to move out of the way of someone that WISHES to speed
again BOTH wrong here
BUT I can see a LOT more accidents being caused by folks that try to SLOW others down, rather than just moving off to the side and letting JOE rocket racer just pass them,
I watch my mirrors, when I see folks closing in on me, I move out of way, simple, NO big deal
**** I like it when they pass me, as I use them to get tickets so I don't LOl
most all Hi ways have two lanes or more, wish to drive slow, stay right, want to go fast, stay left
have respect for ALL drivers, slow guys DON"T be haters on fast guys, thats what cops are for!
ain't your JOB to regulate how they go!
if you must, call the police and report them, but don't be a TOOL, and try and use your SO CALLED OPINION on whats FAST or TOO fats and stick your vehicle in harms way!
your the accident waiting to happen
Drivers PAY attention, to DRIVING YOUR vehicle
I see more issue's with folks texting and eating and all over the road, more than I have issues with a IN control vehicle speeding SOME in a construction zone
drivers in La LA land at the wheel scare me!
as for construction zones??
WHY do they have to start closing lanes to one lane 8 miles in advance and BACK things up when NOTHING is being done on closed side of road???
had that today, 8 miles, went from 70 MPH to a dead stop to 15 mph thru it, and NOT a single thing was being done, not a piece of machine, a hole dug or a worker??
SO<< speed thru that?>? If I could I would have gladly
HAHA< happens a lot up my way so??