Daytona 500


Dang, now there are only 40 cars in the race instead of the normal 43. Is this "sport" dying too?
I think so, but go number 88!


Well-known member
it has had a bad cancer for some time now and is deff on its way out .there was a time when tix waiting list was the norm looking at the stands even in Bristol I would guess they would pay people to fill the seats if they could

old abe

Well-known member
I too feel that Nascar is pricing it's self out due to blind greed. Been into this since the early "60's". Real racing is also not the same due to rules that keep changing. Oh well.


Active member
The decline started when the economy was good and all the corporations were buying up the tickets and handing em out to whomever wanted ...Stands were just filled with corporate shirted people who showed up 10 laps after the start and leave 50 laps before the finish and spent most time in between running to get beer, food or take'n a leak...Stands have been slowly filling back up with diehard fans for the past 4 years... Not sure of the increases in overall price but its around $75 a seat and you can bring in enough beer and food in to supply yerself for a 200 lap event which is hella cheaper than snowmachine'n...


Well-known member
I dont watch much TV so I dont pay the extra for sports channels, that being said it doesnt help the sport that someone like myself and a bunch of guys I know can no longer watch the whole season only a few races at beginning and end.... you stop following and caring, just sayin.... I get my fix at the local track and hanging at my friends race shop
