Dear Mother Nature: "Lets Make A Deal"


New member
Well Mother Nature,...

You made me drive a bit,... but I found enough U.P. snow to play in
last week. It was warm,... but I found it.

But locally Mother Nature,....
46 forecasted For Wednesday?

Pictures in the paper of people raking yards with just sweatshirts on,
Riding bicycles,.... kids playing at the parks as if it were September?


A John Dee forecast for the 11 to 16 day period gives me hope
locally. So you BETTER NOT mess with John Mother Nature!

We sat by and watched the grey skies, brown grass, leafless trees,
and 40 degree rains since the end of October Mother Nature!
That's 3 Months of this crap!

You win,... I am now on my knees Mother Nature.
As you know,.. My knees are killing me.
Ya, Ya, enough with the Weight Watcher commercials Mother Nature.

P L E A S E ?

Give Alaska a break!
Send ME their snow.




New member
I begged Mother Nature.

I begged until I was Horse.

I pleaded with you Mother Nature.

N O T H I N G.

January 16th. Day off, and too lazy and tired to drive over
2 hours to find ride-able snow.
37 and rain predicted for this Saturday?




Well-known member
I feel for you man, at least I can see white, not a lot, but white. I haven't put any miles on yet, though I probably could have if I really wanted to this week-end, but other things prevailed. I hope it happens in grand fashion & soon for ALL OF THE NORTHWOODS!-Mezz


New member
Really Mother Nature?

R E A L L Y ????

What did us folks (South of the U.P. Border) do to tick you off
Mother Nature?

I mean,... Now we are only down to a Month and a half of Local Trails
being open,... and RAIN? Freezing Fricking RAIN?
I live in the "Land Of The Frozen Tundra" and this?

Oh, and I really would like to Thank you Mother Nature for helping catch
myself earlier on the way out to the mailbox. Almost slipping and cracking my
melon open would have really sucked.
OR was that your plan?
Funny Mother Nature.
Real Funny.

Yep, that was ME,.... FLIPPNG YOU OFF today.
I had the day off, saved my pennies and nickels,... and was going to
drive North to find some snow, but the roads were to treacherous.
So, Here I sit, with a cup of coffee,... and a wasted day off.

By the looks of it (reading multiple other threads),....
You a making everyone who owns a sled head to just a small section of the
U.S. and fight for trail time. Sounds like a lot of sledders are trying to make
a whole season of riding up, in just a weekend.
Is that what you are trying to do Mother Nature? get everyone pizzed off
at each other? From inexperienced and selfish sledders to the jack rabbit
left-laners, to the family just out "trying to enjoy your wildnerness", to the
I always keep my brights on riders,...ect.,.... UGH!

I tried to "Make A Deal" with ya Mother Nature,....
But You win.
I am defeated.
I bow to your Humility.

N O T!!!!!!!!

~just blowing off some steam
going back outside to RE-flip you off!



Most of us "flatlanders" feel your pain, Big Vin. Things haven't been great snow-wise for a while, but this is ridiculous. Northeastern Illinois was expecting maybe 7 or 8 inches last Friday, we got about 4". The 23rd of January and my sled has NO miles yet this season. what's wrong with that picture??? I'm feeling more and more desperate as each weekend passes. As much as I would love moving north to the Yoop, I still have to work for a living.

But what really gets me is the non-sledders whining about four inches of snow. C'mon people, this is the midwest and that's supposed to happen during the winter!

However, I'm not storing the sled just yet. But a look at the long range forecast makes me think otherwise. Maybe a tight white jacket whose sleeves tie togther in the back. and something to bite on so I don't hurt myself, or anyone else for that matter.


New member

I have already "bitten" my way thru the straight jacket!

This season Blows.

I'm going back outside to play in the puddles.



Well-known member
But what really gets me is the non-sledders whining about four inches of snow. C'mon people, this is the midwest and that's supposed to happen during the winter!

However, I'm not storing the sled just yet. But a look at the long range forecast makes me think otherwise. Maybe a tight white jacket whose sleeves tie togther in the back. and something to bite on so I don't hurt myself, or anyone else for that matter.

X2 Couldn't agree more!


Well-known member
All it takes is 1 storm. That's all I keep telling myself. Don't know how much longer I can believe in that LOL


New member
something is possibly in the works by this time next monday.. saw on a couple different weather forecasts during the 6oclock news. we'll see.


New member
Dear Mother Nature:

LISTEN to what 600rev mentioned,...
and ignore my "bird signs".
That would be so sweet.
I will now go outside and scrape the ice off my long driveway
with Positive thoughts.
(even though, locally they are calling for near 40 degree temps for Thur.)

Fingers crossed.
Time for a snow dance.


Dear Bigvin,
It should start snowing very soon as you have requested from Mother Nature. I sold all of my snow toys, everything, it's all gone, I gave up on Mother Nature.
Bigvin, you can thank me when it starts to dump a ton of snow. I will be asking Mother Nature for temps in the 60-70's so I can ride my motorcycle. Be patient she will grant your wishes before mine.

Good luck my friend


New member

Say it isn't so?
Sold all the snow toys?

Did you hear that Mother Nature?
That is the ultimate sacrifice.

Were you listening Mother Nature?

I will be waiting for my sacrificial snows my friend.
If not,... I will be right beside you with my motorcycle also.

I can't give up the sleds.
Too much a part of my life.

Your turn Mother Nature.


Hey Hotwire, Big Vin's right, that is way too big a sacrifice to make, even at my advanced age.

It is an expensive sport with a frequently short season. It is an expensive hobby, costs plenty for equipment maintenance, insurance etc etc etc.

But that rush of adrenaline you feel when your nailing it on that perfectly groomed winding trail, or plowing through a couple of feet of powder on an untouched logging road while screaming like a banshee inside your helmet makes it all worthwhile, at least in my head. Another of my favorite scenes is clipping through the forest on a winding trail with trees overhanging the trail making it almost seem like you're in a tunnel. Whew! Yeah baby!

At least that's how I remember it, I still have no miles on the sled this season. Sob!


bigvin & tommyboy,
Yes, it's true, all the snow toys are gone. We decided we would take a big trip out west every year to keep our sanity. We would rather spend the money on a trip out west rather than looking at the as sleds as lawn ornaments.
Rental sleds are the only sleds you can beat the nutz and boltz loose and never have to wrench on them.LOL
Update: Spent all day yesterday at the Motorcycle dealer looking at new quads for the family. The wife and kids want to be able to ride all year round.
All in favor say "I"
#1 Son="I"
#2 Son="I"
#1 Puppy Dog="I"
Motion carried, meeting ajourned.
Last edited:


New member
Mother Nature,....
THAT'S How it works??

All I had to do was have my WIFE ask for snow?

Well,... it may only be around a 3 inch or so event,...
It still looks pretty,... and was a Great present.

Now I am going to ask the Mrs. to ask You for a foot!

C'mon Mother Nature!



New member
Mother Nature,....
THAT'S How it works??

All I had to do was have my WIFE ask for snow?

Well,... it may only be around a 3 inch or so event,...
It still looks pretty,... and was a Great present.

Now I am going to ask the Mrs. to ask You for a foot!

C'mon Mother Nature!


YEEHAW!!! You got some Big Toe Deep Snow for your Birthday!!!





New member
I Surrender!

I Surrender Mother Nature.
You Win.

Didn't think it could be done.

I "tried" to "trick" you by putting 653 HARD miles on my
Brand Spanking New Sled up in the U.P.,....
But Everyone from Everywhere else had the same thing in mind.

Funny Mother Nature,... How We started out on Monday morning with
freshly groomed trails and 10 degree temps at 8:35am and by 3pm it was
44 and all was lost. Guess that is ONE way to get rid of the bumps.

I'm not giving up hope yet,....
Guess I am.
I'll get You NEXT Year Mother Nature.
You'll See.


Well-known member
don't give up yet big vin there are some rumblings out there of a couple of significant snow falls coming the beginning of next week. i sure hope so my place is there and would like to put on a mile this year. what kind of sled did you get?


New member

Just before Christmas I got myself a 2012 Renegade 1200 4-stroke.
Can honestly say it is the best sled I have ever ridden. (and I have ridden
quite a few).
We had a 4" snow about a month ago, and I put 2 miles on it around the yard, but 2 trips up to the U.P. saw me put on the other 651.
I never saw the trails melt so fast as they did on Monday.

I sure hope we can get enough to go "locally" at least ONCE.

Just can't remember ever have a WHOLE season a BUST Locally.
Very Weird.

Hope ya get some miles on Timo!
I've got my fingers and toes crossed!
(well, toes are too fat,.. but you get the idea!)
