Well that is interesting. Forty gallons of diesel costs you 200 dollars and you can't charge that to your customers or they will shop elsewhere. Does this mean that your competitors are buying diesel for 100 dollars? If I were you I would find out where your competitors are buying it cheap and buy yours there too. Just a thought.When "big electric" starts gouging the consumer (and they will) I'll call them on it. Look, before you start ass uming, like youz always do. Forty gallons of diesel for my delivery truck costs over 200 dollars out of my pocket. I cant charge that to my customers, they'll shop elsewhere. But the oil companies have us by the short hairs and can raise their rates if a bird craps on a pipe line. Dang right I blame the oligarchs who now run everything, decide what we pay, what we're paid, all while making record profits and (this is important) buying up media outlets to deflect the blame. Disabuse yourself of the notion that any President has power, he's just a noise machine.