pop tarts
pop tarts
Throttle, track length, ski-stance, suspension, skill, strength, and pop tarts all have to do with carving.
I think if you have any concerns about off trail riding, you nee to look at John Dees journals. It seems he and his friends ride mostly off trail, since they all have long tracks. The adventure is what makes snowmobiling fun and just trail riding tends to get boring. I wwould rather hit a stump off trail than some idiot on your side in a corner. Safe Riding everyone !
Your are getting sucked into crossover marketing. Just buy a long track trail sled 1.25 track 4s or 2s & forget the the crossovers because you won't like crossover gearing or handling on trail. Plenty to pick from 128 thru 144.
Not at Carving or side hilling. 32 sq. inches is nothing. there are 144 of them in a sq. ft. A 15x144 is way better off trail than a 16x137. Its not a Doo or Poo thing.
I think a 144 x 2" track is cheating especially in the UP, that is JMO.
it is true it is not the ship .but if you were taking a guy out boondocking for the first time would you rather see him show up on a M8 153 or a xfire with a 1.25 yeah that's what I thought