do you let her warm up in the morning before taking off


New member
i was wondering how long everyone lets there car or truck run in the morning or while its cold it before they drive off? im religous on letting it warm up when its cold. ill let it run 5- 10 minutes. my neighbor gives me a hard time for letting it run. he says "its a waste of gas". oh else gets in and drives off right away?


New member
Depends on if I can see out my windshield......if I can see, I start it and go right away. I have a 99 F-150 5.4L with 188,000miles and no problems yet.....I would probably warm it up if I had a remote car starter though:)


Board Admin
I don't let it warm up at all, I start up and go. From what I have read there is no reason to let it warm up, just take it easy until it is warm and everything should be fine.


New member
Warm up??? Warm up for what? Get in and go to work. Why waste gas. My neighbor does this and drives me nuts. I can drive to work in the time his little fufu car warms up. It must be 100+ in his heap when he leaves. My work truck has 240,000 mile on it. I never warm it up more than turn it on, adjust the radio and go. Of course it is a chevy truck. I do have a Dodge truck (used loosely) and that my friends should belong to my neighbor also.


New member
i don't let mine warm up at all. Here in Ohio it's against the law to let your car run while your not in it . Don't want to take that chance my neighbor is a cop !!!! lol


Well-known member
she takes off for work before me and I like to sleep in so not allot of morning warm up time
I usually jump right in and go, but half of the time I forget something back in the house, (laptop, belt, pants, etc...) so by the time I hit the road it's about 5 minutes.


New member
I let my truck warm up for 10 minutes......It defrosts the power windows, heated mirrors and windshield not to mention the heated seats are nice and toasty by then....


New member
I have never let mine warm up, I agree waste of gas. Warms up faster when moving anyway.

But last week I spilled coffee on my center console, where my shift is.
Now I can't get it into gear until it's warm.

Once it dries out I'll be back to start and go
Last week on my way to work early in the morning I stopped at a gas station and bought a small bottle of apple juice. I took a swig when I got in the car put the lid back on and laid it in my center console. The lid was on but misthreaded so some of the juice leaked out of the bottle. When I got to work I grabbed my juice bottle and went into the office not noticing that some of the liquid was missing. At lunch when I came out to my car I was shocked to see what looked like pee in my center console and my wallet was laying in it. Woah! What in the....

It took me a few minutes to piece together what I had done.


New member
You want the oil flowing freely thru the motor before you put it under load. If you do not you can ruin the bearings. No need to run it for more than a minute or two unless it is stupid cold.


I always let mine idle for a little while b4 moving it. When I start my truck up it goes into a high idle (not very much) and after a minute or two (maybe 30 seconds as I've never timed it) it goes into normal. She lets me know when she is ready. Wife's Rav4 does something similar. I like to get a little oil "up there" before going. Others I know just take off.

I think it is kind of like the which oil is best debate.


New member
just long enough to let the oil gauge move over to its normal spot,maybe if its
real cold run it for a few min,,, 270,000 miles and the ol chevy still runs great..


if it is just me I go after a minute, if it's the whole family I let it warm up so they are not freezing, sleds and snow blowers I let the motors warm up. I did seize the snow blower last season because I started it and put in under hard load, I was in a hurry. I got it loose and it has been fine but now I let it warm up every use for about 2 minutes, sleds a bit longer (3-4 Min's) and ride easy for a short time


New member
hate getting kicked in the nuts

Hate getting kicked in the nuts and told to run 40+ miles // wake me up give me coffee to warm up -- then i will run 80 + miles Just my way of putting it