dog killed by snowmobiler...


Active member
This kinda thing realy pisses me off, how could someone do that and live with themselves.? Wouldn't mind gettin ahold of this person for a while!!


New member
When the guy is found, they should find an open field with a ton of snow, drop him in the middle, and have sleds chasing him down from all sides. What a useless piece of flesh.


Active member
I don't understand? The headline reads snowmobiler chases and kills dog, but nowhere in the article or the video is there any mention of someone maliciously chasing and killing the dog, only that they found a dog in a snowmobile track. It could have been an accident. Still not right if you kill someones dog, not to at least try to find the owner and inform them, but dogs get hit by cars every day. It almost seems to me like a biased reporter is trying to paint a picture that may not even be true. "There go those awful snowmobilers again, chasing down and killing our family pets"


New member
I don't understand? The headline reads snowmobiler chases and kills dog, but nowhere in the article or the video is there any mention of someone maliciously chasing and killing the dog, only that they found a dog in a snowmobile track. It could have been an accident. Still not right if you kill someones dog, not to at least try to find the owner and inform them, but dogs get hit by cars every day. It almost seems to me like a biased reporter is trying to paint a picture that may not even be true. "There go those awful snowmobilers again, chasing down and killing our family pets"
Well stated. I said the same thing, the media has the title as if someone saw the incident. For all they know the dog could have froze to death, it has been as cold as -27° around that area. I feel for the owners loosing their pet, but the media has no right writing such a title without proof.


Active member
The sad part is most people will only read the headline, make judgement, and move on to the next "plane crash" headline. Another black eye--- sweet!


New member
if it was malicious that is terrible but i have been chased by dogs on bikes, motorcycles,snowmobiles,cars,feet.the media has an agenda and it is not to help the motorsports enthusiest.private property?public land?dog running at large?complete accident?not even related to snowmobiling?animals will walk on a trail cause it's the path of least resistance.just sayin.

Deleted member 10829

Do the right thing

If it was an "accident" you do the right thing and find the owners and tell them what happened so they don't have to suffer wondering exactly what happened. Just once I would like to catch someone doing this type of thing to any animal!
Back in 97 my first dog hated snowmobiles and would chase us around the yard. One night wife was going to work and found that our dog was cut open on her tummy. I think a ski tip bumped her as she chased around the sled we were riding. Had her fixed back up and good to go. Didn't leave her out when snowmobiling after that.


New member
Isn't it possible the dog ran out in front of him? And he didn't know who owned the dog?

Anyone who logs some miles will run into an animal eventually on the trail. Never good. My near misses include a Moose, fox,dog,cat, wolf,small child in white snow suit, skiers, hikers, mink, rabbit, squirrel, deer,coyote, train,groomer,fire hydrant,horse,cow,duck and a beaver. Let's hope it was not intentional.


New member
I've hit a couple coyotes and a fox in the UP but when they dart out in front of you because of fear of the noise thats coming their way what can you do? I'm not going to swerve and possibly but highly unlikely crash a multi thousand dollar machine for a scraggly haggard looking yote. I've never done it intentionally but it's just like hitting a deer or any other animal in your vehicle. It happens and we get a bad rep for it. Honestly I think a lot of the reason snowmobilers get the reputation they do is because of the persona of the younger generation (including me) that grew up riding BMX and skateboards and generally living off of adrenaline. There's a certain vibe that screams moron or jerk or @**hole because of the way this younger generation swings. And not only that but marketing and advertising for our sport can honestly be quite ridiculous. I like to ride hard and boondock and occasionally jump something here and there but that shouldnt label me. I follow the rules, I'm certified by my state to operate a snowmobile and I DO CARE ABOUT THE WILD LIFE AND LAND SURROUNDING ME!!!! Now, I'm not saying that everyone is a responsible rider and that this type of thing doesnt happen on purpose because I do know, and have ridden with people that are irresponsible and almost seem to avoid the laws and common sense. Being born and for the most part raised in Ontonagon, I grew up snowmobiling there and have learned the etiquette of snowmobiling there. Once we moved to Wisconsin I met the aforementioned boneheads that are out riding like, well, boneheads! Again I'm not trying to label people or anyone for that matter, but I'm trying to put you in my perspective.... There are many different people in this world and everyone fits in their own "click". No one is ever going to agree with everyone on everything and the views of one group on another are generally always going to be negative. Maybe that poor dog was intentionally killed by a snowmobiler and the rider could have been any age. This is what we need to fight as fellow riders. We need to fight the people with a general disregard and keep proving that we arent out to destroy mother nature but to actually enjoy it just the same as anyone else. Except on a motorized vehicle that travels over snow at a rapid pace. END RANT. Sorry, I know it's long winded, but I'm hung over and that article struck a nerve.


I have peeled several of my beagles up off the road over the years. Never blamed the drivers, it was likely an accident.