Dow Breaks 10,000 Now What.?


Well-known member
DOW down 100 & dropping this morning because BAC lost their <font color="ff0000">&#149;</font><font color="ff0000">&#149;</font><font color="ff0000">&#149;</font> on foreclosures. Heck I knew that before quartly report. A lot of banks still upside down & will be for a very long time. Seems goofy to react with a sell off based on BAC unless DOW is over valued at this time which is my opinion. Take profits & be happy & then ride up later in 2010. HFT is where the money flows.


Active member
<font color="0000ff">whitedust:
"Heck I knew that before quartly report."</font>
Shucks, I missed that, I only saw the pintly report!


Well-known member
funny stuff nash how about Q3 report
Lot more Q3s due next week....we all will know more then but still think you take some profit now & not get too greedy. Always can ride back up later so take some cash now. Just can't make the most of stock market but holding any longer.


I don't trust these numbers at all. The market has just come too far too fast. My company (large insurance) hasn't seen any sort of a turn-around that is for sure.

I bought silver (physical), silver stocks (SLW), Russian stocks (VIP, MTL), and dry bulk shippers back in April. Just have the silver, cash, and a few miscellaneous dividend stocks left.


New member
A wise profit once told me, buy low sell high. Ever since that great advice I have been a multi multi millionaire. Buy gold, so I can sell.....please.


Well-known member
A little bad news on Wells yesterday & went from positive to 96 negative in last 30 minutes. I think investors waiting for 2nd boot to drop & will flee as soon as the leather hits their butts. Very nervous market now be careful.....


New member
Listening to all this causes me great joy in the fact that I sold my home in Chicago in 2005, then cashed 15 years of 401K with a 4% match on 6 figure during 2005/2006. That partial 10% penalty feels pretty good now, LMAO now while livin in the U.P. eat nuts n’ berries, lucky is as lucky does.


New member

Somebody voted for it.

Well, back outside to pick my nuts. I now have to compete with the squirls.