Dow Breaks 10,000 Now What.?


Active member
Wasn't Sept & Oct historically the worst mnths for the market, and well, the economist got that wrong as well. Have the economist got anything prediction right...I don't think anyone has a clue as to how this is going to play out.


Active member
Seen the CIT bankruptcy coming for months...they have been hurting for quite a while now. Too bad for those who lost money.


New member
Seems kind of weasel like to file on a Sunday! New York lawyers must be atheist!! November is just starting!


Well-known member
They wait until Sunday when all hope is lost before the market opens Monday. They look for Hail Mary plays that some dark horse will come forward & bail them out. Close of market Friday you usually know who is going down over the weekend.


New member
Now wallstreet gets their h1n1 shots first cause they are more at risk!wt% Its becoming quite obvious who washington is looking out for! I would have thought a bunch of mattresses around the nyse building would be a better choice.


Well-known member
What are you talking about sammy stocks are expensive now at 10,000? That is the point you have to wait & look for the dip that sustains for awhile. Market has been up & down in last 2 weeks depending on the news of the day. Dangerous time to buy especially if retail is not good during the next 2 months. Stocks will fall like a rock on a bad Xmas retail season which means main street not on board with recovery. 70% of USA economy is retail driven!


New member
Sammy is trying to get out now. He needs you to buy in so he can sell high. 190000 more jobs cut as announced today. So it could go higher eventually as biznes balance there books. But that of course does not give confidence to those who where let go. Just wait till health-care for all, and Cap and Trade gets passed. Soon we will all be wards of the state.
Have a nice friday.


New member
Remember when no one took Canadian coins because they weren't worth anything. I need to find those coins to cash in now!!


Well-known member
Unemployment could be as high as 17.5% with people timing out & off rolls. They don't know how to estimate the real stats. When considering part timers,side jobs, new biz star ups the US Gov really does not know but 10.2% they do know about & planning on over 11% by Q2 2010 is NOT a consumer driven recovery. The Market Friday was stunned by large gain in unemployment numbers but did not want to give up the weeks gains. The Feds same old same old on 0% interest made traders happy but we know that has to turn up in 6 months or less. Next we will see how happy the market is next week & the week after that & if no correction this is the real deal for a weird but real recovery.


Well-known member
sammy if you want to buy in to this hollow market don't thank me as I still think that would be foolish. Stocks overpriced @ DOW 10,000 wait for correction. Take profit while you can is the only way I see it before all is vapor. Bonds make sense & will hold value.... most stocks just over valued paper.


Well-known member
Sammy: If you listen to the sunshine pump it goes like this: keep value of the dollar low so we do more exporting, keep interest rates at 0, no inflation, no new taxes to pay back anything the gov has spent, ok to let unemployment rise to over 11% by Q2 2010 & real numbers more like 20%. So we throw the American consumer in the trash, nothing costs more & only 80% have a job but the DOW climbs to 1400. Makes no sense at all & not sustainable.