Dow falls into a Sea of Red....


New member
ACtually...I was just reading that Michigan now allows you to go prospecting for gold any time you want, on State Land, that the State owns both surface and mineral rights.

Shhhhh......I read somewhere that just north of Ishpeming...there is supposed to be some I told my wife....See yeah....then she logged on and did some more research and found out that the MOST Michigan will let you prospect is for $400 per year....sheeeeeiiiiiiiitttttttt.....back to the grim stone....


Well-known member
It's up, it's down, it's all around! :) Naw... not worried yet best of breed dividend stocks doing well & I bought back in along time ago so it would have to drop another 1000 to 1500 points before I would sell off. I have some long bonds paying 6% that have not been called (very surprised) but I'll take it & dividend stocks paying 4+%. Life is good but Wall Street reacting to every news bite instead of having some faith in the recovery. Real estate SUCKS & my largest disappontment but stock market ok for me.


Everybody -Sell !!!!!! No wait - Everybody -Buy !!!!!! Oh , to heck with it - I am going riding. See you all next week.


New member dah man! 6%....kick'n butt. I can't find 1.5% worth investing in.

Ah, but I did buy some sprint.....which should by my very actions cause it to go to an all time bottom, but strangely it has gone up.....

I guess I will have to change strategies.....because I ALWAYS buy high and sell low. Next thing yah know...I will be having to pay tax.

I hate that.


New member dah man! 6%....kick'n butt. I can't find 1.5% worth investing in.

Ah, but I did buy some sprint.....which should by my very actions cause it to go to an all time bottom, but strangely it has gone up.....

I guess I will have to change strategies.....because I ALWAYS buy high and sell low. Next thing yah know...I will be having to pay tax.

I hate that.
Anon you must have gone to the same investing seminar I attended.
And yea if the libs had their way they would tax us on losing trades as well.


New member dah man! 6%....kick'n butt. I can't find 1.5% worth investing in.

Ah, but I did buy some sprint.....which should by my very actions cause it to go to an all time bottom, but strangely it has gone up.....

I guess I will have to change strategies.....because I ALWAYS buy high and sell low. Next thing yah know...I will be having to pay tax.

I hate that.

6.9% last quarter, priceless!!!!


It's up, it's down, it's all around! :) Naw... not worried yet best of breed dividend stocks doing well & I bought back in along time ago so it would have to drop another 1000 to 1500 points before I would sell off. I have some long bonds paying 6% that have not been called (very surprised) but I'll take it & dividend stocks paying 4+%. Life is good but Wall Street reacting to every news bite instead of having some faith in the recovery. Real estate SUCKS & my largest disappontment but stock market ok for me.

Weren't you the one last year that gave me some stock tips on DNDN and AIB?


New member dah man! 6%....kick'n butt. I can't find 1.5% worth investing in.

Ah, but I did buy some sprint.....which should by my very actions cause it to go to an all time bottom, but strangely it has gone up.....

I guess I will have to change strategies.....because I ALWAYS buy high and sell low. Next thing yah know...I will be having to pay tax.

I hate that.

I have some Jackson National life paying a consistent 6% for past 26 years. Thick or thin.


Well-known member dah man! 6%....kick'n butt. I can't find 1.5% worth investing in.

Ah, but I did buy some sprint.....which should by my very actions cause it to go to an all time bottom, but strangely it has gone up.....

I guess I will have to change strategies.....because I ALWAYS buy high and sell low. Next thing yah know...I will be having to pay tax.

I hate that.

Moose: There are 6%+ Yields out there in both stocks & bonds but you need to contact a professional wealth manager that understands your risk tolerance & financial goals to make investments that are correct for you.:)


Nope never herad of them & don't post any trading symbols. Difficult enough to make my own investments & to worry about someone else too. :)

Must have been someone else on here. It was a thread about investments or whatever and I think people were talking about stock they had or thought would be good. I think I asked for advice on stock since I was just getting started investing(not trying to call you or anyone else out), I like hearing what others do. I watched the two stocks mentioned before for a year now and they haven't done so well. All my $ has been in POT and F. I've had a good run this past year, kind of getting a little antsy lately since it is starting to cut into my profits.


I think the thread started by you "Dow Breaks $10,000 Now What" was the thread from a couple years ago. You did give me Kohls advice which at the time was pretty decent, especially when I was getting started.