Sorry guys, it's been awhile. Busy, busy, busy!
So Monday they started slappin shingles down but the rain didn't cooperate. Tuesday was better and Wednesday they finished.
Wednesday was also the day for the well installation.
Thursday the insulation of the walls happened.
Today a friend of mine came up from Holland to do the final grade around the barn.
The barn has gone from clean and set up to re-arranged to dirty to I have no idea what it is right now. LOL Temps have dropped and it's pretty cold in there in the morning. Been using a space heater in the office to make it comfortable. Sucks because I can't really set everything up until after the Novi show. No point in putting the stuff "away" only to pull it all down in 2 weeks. Siding guy starts whenever ma nature decides to stop dropping rain on us. Drywall should be arriving tomorrow, cabinets are ordered and the trades are waiting for the drywall and paint to finish up. It's so close I can taste it yet it feels so far away.