This is what I did to my Edge RMK running boards. All you need to do is drill out the dimple from the back side with a step drill to 1/2" diameter. You then need to make a compression tool to the size you want. I used 1" diameter roundstock, drilled a .500" hole in center, machined in a .875 x 45 degree chamfer. Use a 1/2" hardend bolt and nut, the bolt has to have the same angle as what you chamfered on the compression tool. Put the bolt in the drilled holes from the underside, place the compression tool with the chamfer down on the top side of the board. Put on a washer and the nut, tighten down. I used a torque wrench set at 35 pounds so every hole comes out the same. Oil the threads and washer, I went through a couple of bolts and nuts before I put lube on them. This really helped getting snow of the boards. Not as good as the "better boards", but alot better than stock. This is easy once you get started.