Jobs are in the hole because CEOs won't hire & are hording profits look at Apple perfect example. Apple will only be able to hord money until stock holders "say what the heck? "Expand, Aquire or give back to stockholders via Dividends you are not maxing our investment". Apple is a tech growth stock not a high Yield stock. When CEOs are finally faced with use it or lose it by stock holder pressures you will see hiring & capital equipment buys because they won't lose it believe me without using it because success is on their heads. Apple also can split stock make it more affordable attract a different type of investor. This is just 1 example lots of Corps hording money lots more out there & when they let it loose look out good times ahead. Get in the game make picks lots of good ones out there. Don't let a market Pause spook you to gloom & doom. If Corps did not have tons of reserve money then yes worry but that is just not the case now or year end.
Apple won't buy capital equipment, their products are made in China.
Giving dividends to shareholders does not create jobs, it re-distributes wealth. Get your dividend and buy more stuff. Where's the stuff made? Not here! No jobs created that way.
Acquiring another company does not create jobs, it creates wealth. Actually, it often loses jobs.
I think you and I are talking about 2 different things, WD. I am not disagreeing with what you are saying, but making money in the stock market does not certify that the economy is fixed.
Making money in the stock market is not the same as making Chevys in Janesville. Selling Chinese electronics at Best Buy is not the same as making cardboard in Ontonagon.
The purpose of supply side economics is to lower the cost of capital so business will invest in itself and grow domestic employment. When that investment is overseas, or when that investment is in the financial sector (like mortgage lending to high risk customers 'cause the money's cheap) then the reduced tax rate does not grow domestic employment, you do not employ the new workers to pay taxes, and the debt, as a percent of GDP continues to grow as you bail out failing companies and try to stimulate the economy.
Again, WD, not arguing or disagreeing with you. But all this cheap capital was supposed to create shareholder value AND jobs. It is/has not done that. Shareholder value, yes. Jobs, no.