"Epic Conditions" for us in Colorado Feb. 10-14!!!


Skeedoo, Thanks for sharing all the great pics. Absolutely amazing conditions. Looks like your gang had a trip of a lifetime!


New member
great pics that look like the same snow we ran into in the snowies it was just plain sick each day just got deeper and deeper.


New member
Thanks for the responses!! It really was the trip of a lifetime. Trust me it was REALLY, REALLY hard to leave but I had to get home for some business stuff (which is rare because I have winters off but had to get home for a promotional trade show). Fireman35 it looks like you guys had a blast in the Snowies at the same time we were out west. That whole range from Rabbit Ears to the Snowy's got hammered over the time we were there, and was still getting it after we left. Its funny I have been home for a week now and this trip is still on my mind all day and I am having problems going to sleep because I can't shut off my brain from thinking about how I have to get back A.S.A.P!!!! Seriously one of the most addicting things I have ever done. I feel spoiled and hope to have those conditions everytime but I know that will be tough to duplicate. When we ride the U.P we chase heavy snows when they hit, but thats alittle harder to do when it happens out west because its 1200 miles to get there, but I think that is what I'm gonna start to do.
Any idea what it costs to rent a 700-900cc long track (154" or longer)? I would love to do this but there's no way I'd bring my trail sled out! And I assume you're running with a guide?? What do they generally charge?


New member
Skeedoo, that's awesome, thanks for posting. I rode in the San Juan Mts. back in December and I think back to that trip every day still. Seeing your pics brings back memories and makes the steep and deep itch even worse!

prowrench, you can definetly do the Mts. on your 121, you will however be limited, just dont drop off below the trail.

Polarisman- I did it alone last December and with a little reasearch, a couple phone calls and emails to dealers, snowmobile clubs, and the local US forest service office I was able to have a great time. On my last day I hooked up with a couple locals trailside who even guided us around a little bit.


New member
We are all jealous of the ride don't get me wrong....but there would be a lot more riding pics if you were on a POLARIS! Good times though:)


New member
Awesome pics... me and a few of my buddies are headed out to the Grand Mesa this thursday... one M1000 and three 2010 renegade backcountry 800's...

How did Mike setup his backcountry suspension to handle that deeeeep pow??