Evers Wants Trail Signs Removed


So you figured out how to run your business safely all on your own or did you call governor??
What about your crew, do you lock them up for the night to keep them safe or do you let them make their own life choices?

So clever. I believe I've heard your same comeback on talk radio. Am I right? My employees implemented the changes. Again, we can work together, do the bare minimum, or not. Hows that been working out? New cases just reached a new high yesterday. Other countries totally closed down for a few months, now they've opened back up.


Well-known member
Yes.....Opened back up and cases climbing again. Closing didn't stop it.
I'm all for businesses doing what they can/want. I'm not in favor of government telling your business only 10 people can do business with you not 100.


Active member
I am looking at the latest (2019) DNR Trail Signing handbook:

- Informational signs may be placed on the trail by trailside businesses, but these signs must conform to the standard, color and shape.

Guide Signs
Guide signs are used to direct the rider to a destination on the trail. They should
be placed at decision points along the trail such as intersections and trailheads.
These signs must have a reflectorized white legend on a brown background.
When indicated, mileage figures should be calculated as accurately as possible
to the nearest mile. Arrows used to show direction on these signs may point in
any direction.
The use of guide signs to direct trail users to gas stations, resorts,
restaurants and other trailside businesses is helpful, but the number of signs
for this purpose should be kept reasonable.


Well-known member
So you figured out how to run your business safely all on your own or did you call governor??
What about your crew, do you lock them up for the night to keep them safe or do you let them make their own life choices?

Exactly what I was thinking. No way to isolate yourself in our society. Maybe at work, but once you head home...no way. How the heck do they eat? live off their land? doubt it.


Active member
They were pretty disappointed with the social media blow up. A lot of people shared this without doing research, and was blown way out of proportional. Everyone jumped to attack Governor and DNR.
This was blown way out of proportion and stemmed from a poorly written letter from legislator. This happened with one specific club member on the Bearskin trail. That one specific location is only being moved. There are no other signs being moved!
If you read the DNR response, they even state that. The legislator letter made is seem like all of northwoods was being removed!
AWSC, DNR and Tourism will work together to get a solution.


Well-known member
So clever. I believe I've heard your same comeback on talk radio. Am I right? My employees implemented the changes. Again, we can work together, do the bare minimum, or not. Hows that been working out? New cases just reached a new high yesterday. Other countries totally closed down for a few months, now they've opened back up.

Positive tests don't mean deaths.

A good portion of positive tests aren't even true so it's impossible to believe the hype of "the second wave". EVERYDAY I hear about people testing positive who don't even get tested. I have employees who test positive and based on current guidelines I would have to lose a big portion of my staff, but when I have them get tested a second time the next day they test negative. When someone test positive I'm supposed to not allow anyone who was within 6 feet of them over an accumulated time of 15 minutes during a shift. If effects many staff members. Its nice to see almost all of them just want to work and all immediately want to go get tested so they can come back to work. It's unbelievable how much work and organization goes into "false testing" and media and many government officials aren't questioning the testing. We have learned a lot since March and this not a big deal for 99% of our population. Seniors, people with existing conditions are of course susceptible. that's it.


Well-known member
Midwest it's my opinion and I don't expect everyone to like or agree with me. My son is a senior and obviously I do not agree with her decisions as many more do not as well. He's missing out on everything a high school senior should not miss out on. I respect people's opinions but I have my own as well. She's also hurt many businesses in the U.P. and what's good for highly populated areas doesn't mean it's good for the U.P. We constantly get hosed in the U.P. and it's a totally different way of life than the lower peninsula. If they're ugly on the inside they're ugly on the outside as well. Agree to disagree. I can live with that just fine.
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Well-known member
Furthermore, our governor has done nothing but point fingers. Do your job please. So you cry you need more money from the feds. Really? I just assumed we didn't need money in Michigan since our state employees got to work Monday through Thursday and then take a mandatory layoff for Friday just to receive full unemployment benefits! Really? All I can say is whoa! That is fact, I have a excellent childhood friend who's wife works for the state. Oh, but wait it gets better, who didn't get that mandatory layoff with benefits, that's right Michigan State Police who actually deserve it if anyone does. I wonder how many businesses get that luxury?


Well-known member
They are mot naming the place because the place has zero to do with it in MN . That is its own deal the raffle calenders you buy from club guys selling for MN USA pay for those bluse signs.
Now map adds and the polaris app the establishment pays for those. Most of the time the add space sold payer for the map printing and the polaris app is a upsurge nothing but profit for the club cost us Jack but a email .
Scre the gov if he wants them off he can send the state workers out to do the job and have them brush the trail as long as they are at it.