My page would be shut down if it was not for Marketplace. I would love for Craigslist or another site to come back and be the main site for buying and selling. I despise the fact that you cannot set your feed to latest post and the nonstop suggested for you posts. And no offense to the older crowd that seems to be using FB more now, but many of you do not know how to handle social media. I have a friend that is close to disowning his mom over it
More like “don’t want to handle social media”. That’s where I think the younger peeps misinterpretation of the older peeps, big difference in don’t know how to handle vs don’t want to handle. I think it’s bad for young kids and developing minds. One thing I don’t care about is the court of public opinion or those who have keyboard courage. too Many people caring about likes or views and all that garbage. I’m sure some need it but it really has messed with the social aspect of life, at least the kind that seems meaningful to me. And it sometimes has me debating all online things as well as cell phones.
I’ve canceled cable, i literally look at 2 websites, this one and a bbq one, is that worth $100/ month idk,, the sounds of nature are much better than ringtones.
im also the one who hated/hates video games. In the 80’s when that crap was coming out I never did that stuff, never have ever. retirement Isn’t too far off, then time to unplug.
and if the world is passing me by that’s ok I like the older way things were anyway.
hopefully the young peeps and business owners can leverage the power of SM to make them some money and provide benefit to the world and themselves.
thinking about it I’m sure my parents thought the crap I did wasn’t friendly to the old ways either they pro thought I was missing the boat and not appreciating thingsnthey held as important idk
to each their own, in my mind FB provides classified ads that were in a newspaper, but now I see them on my iPad.
if I seem grumpy that’s because I shoveled an hour yesterday and today and I need a new hip!,
sucks to get old, hip is shot, live on ibuprofen and cortisone , never needed that when I was younger