Fast and Furious death

This picture says it all. Who cares, a Hollywood actor died. Can't believe how many people are losing their minds.


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This picture says it all. Who cares, a Hollywood actor died. Can't believe how many people are losing their minds.

Actually he apparently was a very down to earth guy who spent a lot of time doing charity work...seems your words are a bit harsh...

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One more thing...I think people take pride in this forum because people don't post the kind of **** you just did... In addition it is disgusting someone would exploit a soldier and put them on a pic like that..


Well-known member
his attachment is spot on like it or not. the who cares poss a bit over board but then I am not professionally offended.
and yes he was a good guy who did a lot of charity work.
and btw they had to be moving out did u see that car. my guess time to get out oooh shhi then lights out quick and ez


New member
He was not a solder but a Border Patrol officer killed by a gun sold by Attorney General Eric Holder God speed to both of them


New member
This picture says it all. Who cares, a Hollywood actor died. Can't believe how many people are losing their minds.
I would agree with p98 100% if it were one of those toads that we hear about in the news everyday, DUI, assaulted g/f, hit a photog etc, but the 'who cares' may be over the top for this guy, never heard one single bad report about him.

May he rest in peace!


Well-known member
He was not a solder but a Border Patrol officer killed by a gun sold by Attorney General Eric Holder God speed to both of them

are we talking about the so called sting where Holders minions not only shipped guns to the cartel . but also convinced local gun shop owners to corporate and work with them. then when they did what they were told after the shipt hit the fan tried to close them down for shipping guns accrose the border. then used them as a example of why we need stronger gun control laws.
Erick Holder and his Boss are HUGE piles of CRAP

Deleted member 10829

Yep, and that sting operation happened to be called "Fast and Furious" just like the movie. But of course Holder knew nothing about it, just like his boss knows nothing about anything that is negative! Can you imagine a CEO who knew so little about what was going on in his corporation? They at least would fire someone, but not BHO. LMAO!


Sounds like they were flying down a public road. Lucky no one else was killed. Anyone who drives over their head takes a risk. Note to self....make sure you trust the person you go for a joy ride with.That being said, I thought he was a decent guy. May he rest in peace. I feel for his family.
are we talking about the so called sting where Holders minions not only shipped guns to the cartel . but also convinced local gun shop owners to corporate and work with them. then when they did what they were told after the shipt hit the fan tried to close them down for shipping guns accrose the border. then used them as a example of why we need stronger gun control laws.
Erick Holder and his Boss are HUGE piles of CRAP

Yup that's the one. Maybe the who cares part was a bit much, but my point was simple. I'd bet my next paycheck (albeit not that big) that more people are devastated about the moviestar's death than the border patrol agent who was murdered by a member of the Mexican cartel using a gun that was sold to them by the feds under the direction of Eric Holder. I realize it's not 100% the fault of the upset people because there's a reason most don't know about the border patrol agent or the Fast and Furious scandal. Media bias.


Sounds like things are getting rather political for a supposed snow related website. I loathe politics and also those who profit from selling illegal weapons (e.g., politicians) and those who profit from selling hatred (e.g., talk radio).

What also pisses me off is when I drive to Swedetown to check out the ski trails yesterday and see that ATV riders have done property damage on the trails and sledding hill. Many use these recreational facilities and damaging them is like stealing happiness from others.

If guns and ATV's were banned and eliminated from the face of the earth, there would be no more gun violence or property destruction by ATV's. But that isn't going to happen. So we must accept the fact that we live in a world that has some violent, hateful, and destructive people. We need to deal with the hateful people themselves as the root of the problem and not the instruments of their hatred. 013-e.jpg