Favorite Beer!


Well-known member
Gotta love Big Sky Brewing. Moose Drool is a fine brown ale. Their Trout Slayer Ale and Scapegoat Pale Ale are no slouches either.


Active member
Pickaxe blonde,at Up Chucks,or Hoppys,or the Bug Bar,or the Steak house on m28,or the VFW just east of the Steak house,or the Woodtick Day Spa.


Active member
Gotta love Big Sky Brewing. Moose Drool is a fine brown ale. Their Trout Slayer Ale and Scapegoat Pale Ale are no slouches either.

If you are a fan out of the bottle, you have to try it on tap! Its even better!! The Trout Slayer and Scapegoat are both fine beers also. I wasn't a big fan of the IPA they make. I'm not a big IPA fan to begin with. They also make a bunch of seasonals that I'm sure we probably can't get east of the Mississip. I am especially curious about their Summer Honey Ale as I am also a big fan of Leine's Honey weiss.


New member
For a mass produced beer I would say Bud Platinum is pretty good. Amber Bock is a big favorite because it is on tap at the club for $1.75 a 20 ouncer.


Holy mackeral

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My favorite by far hands down!!! After this brew I prefer my own home brew :p
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Active member

Holy mackeral?
Geez, it's writ' right there on the label, and they still misspell it!
(Oboy, I'm on a roll today! :p )