From da good ol' days at MTU:
Bosch Beer — called
"Busch-Bosch" by da locals, eh?
That term probably derives from this old commercial jingle, from the Michigan Tech Archives (audio, 120K WAV):
Busch!, Bosch!
See also:
1. From Wikipedia:
Bosch Brewing Company.
2. From the Michigan Tech Archives:
The Bosch Brewing Company.
3. From PastyCam:
Yooper Archeology.
4. From Lindell Chocolate Shoppe:
Lindell's History.
Oh yes indeedy, I did tip more than a few Bosch beers in my MTU college daze, primarily at
Mike's Bar, now The Pilgrim River Steak House (About one mile south of the MTU campus on US-41.)
The Ol' MTU Pistol Club, our motto:
"Drink 'til twelve, pistol too!"
(But only after securing the pistols and the old MTU pistol range, in the basement of the
old MTU Library annex, now the Academic Offices Building Annex!)