Favorite snowmobile quote/saying


Well-known member
I'm getting to old for this digging <font color="ff0000">&#149;</font><font color="ff0000">&#149;</font><font color="ff0000">&#149;</font><font color="ff0000">&#149;</font>


New member
<font color="ff0000">Don't let common sense slow you down! or I'll take a picture so you can see what it looks like from up there too!</font>


Active member
"Just jamb a stick in her--eh? Nice piece o hickory should work. We'll get it out to dah road at least--eh?"


Active member
Dennis Kirk used to sell a door mat that says "A normal person and a snowmobiler live here". I wish I would have bought it cause I have not seen it since.


New member
"Hey!! Aren't you Curtis Negaunee??"

You know that loud drunk guy in every town you stop in to. The guy at the bar that has the the worlds fastest sled (a 98 ZRT600) Never been beat in a race. Rides it 24000 miles every season since he bought it new for a thousand bucks and loves to tell everyone how great he is..
You all know "that guy"! Well to my group of riding buddies "that guy" is the famed Curtis Negaunee!!!

We made up the name Curtis Negaunee because no matter how much snow there is in the U.P. The ride into, thru and out of, Curtis MI and Negaunee MI is usually the worst bumpy, snirty, crappy riding out of a 1800 mile trip. So we tie the worst of the ride with the worst of snowmobilers.

Funny thing is, if you walk up to that guy and say "Hey, aren't you Curtis Negaunee??" That guy, most of the time will say " no, but I think I know who your talking about!!"