First Trip to South Range over the New Year


just got back from our first trip to the UP ever this past week.

Had a great time with the wife and 2 youngins. I don't think it stopped snowing the whole time we were there. Was neat to see the sun peek out on a drive we took up to Copper Harbor looking at water falls and lighthouses along the way.

The Wildlife Refuge Cabins served as a great place to stay, warm up and "live" for 5 days.

It was a tad windy and cold, so we couldnt sit around long (hence the driving to CH) Had great eats. The little place in Tiovola was a nice suprise.

The bridge was neat to go over and the towns on either side were really neat. I have to wonder if the people living in this area know how nice it is.

So thanks to everyone who reccomended where to go and stay and what to see. We'll be back, next time without the kids to do a little more exploring.

Side note: Is it common to get passed on the trails up there? first time i had ever had it happen to me. I was going 45mph towards Twins Lakes and 3 sleds blew by me. Never saw them coming...not to safe if you ask me...






New member
we've been on that trail going 50-60 and had sleds pass us, it got real intersting a couple of miles down the trail when they met the groomer. they were still trying to get their sleds out of the woods when we went by them, one doo looked like it was climbing a small tree. lol never saw that group again.


Passing sleds or getting passed does happen, especially on the railroad grades of the up.

Try to do it safely and give yourself plenty of room for error.


New member
I ride this area quite a bit, and although holiday traffic was down this year, there were at least a few groups of people that just wanted to haul azz and didnt care about any other riders. We were entertaining some newbies this weekend and most of the groups were really nice about the slower speeds, and of course we made sure to let them pass when getting to stop signs.

I seldom have complained about trail etiquite, but several times just North of Calumet at the "Y" split where it branches either North twords Copper Harbor or South twords Lake Linden there have been large groups that decide to stop and block up the whole trail while the group "leader" decides where they want to take the group. When coming to any intersection please make sure to move your sleds to the side of the trail in order for those who know where they are going to safely get by. This can be very dangerous for other sledders, and at this busy intersection I am concerned for everyone's safety.




I have had the same thing happen to me as well. I try to avoid railroad grades as much as possible especially when the kids are with me. Your pictures look great. It looks like you and your family had a great time.


New member
Great pics and looks like you had a great time. We were in cabin 3, always great to see the kids riding on the gas tank:) Unfortunately yes, you are right on, we were only on the trail for a short time, but there were quite a few who were definately "race ready" as we call ', especially on Sat.



New member
up passin

Hey, Me and 4 other guys who ride pretty hard were up there the week before christmas and headed south from Hancock. we were cruising at around 70-75 in loose conditions and we got passed by 2 guys on the right side of us, they there right ski up in the berries as they passed me like I was 30mph. Woke me right up! nice I guess.


Great pics and looks like you had a great time. We were in cabin 3, always great to see the kids riding on the gas tank:) Unfortunately yes, you are right on, we were only on the trail for a short time, but there were quite a few who were definately "race ready" as we call ', especially on Sat.


Yea, we were in cabin 1. you must have been in the group with the orange m-cat?

We took the Freda loop on Thursday and didnt meet a single sled on it. Some great riding, came across a wolf in the trail and prety much had 8" of powder on the trail to blaze.

Refuge cabins are a neat place. was able to grill out and parking in front of the cabins cant be beat.

steaks on NYE



That is one big reason we use radios & mirrors!
For getting passed & for passing they come in real handy!

i have a hand mirror, and i check back frequently to let people by, but these guys must have had some places to go. I'll just call them "Odies". Go really fast from one place to the next not having enough brains to take in anything around you before running to the next place. :D


New member
If you are riding with kids, OR anyone in the group is inexperienced, then you should have the common sense to look in your mirrors or check back often to see if there are faster sleds wanting to pass. Also, if you come to an intersection you should look behind you not only to check on your group but to see if faster sleds are coming through. Usually I will wait a few miles before i blow by someone giving them some time to redeem themselves by looking back, but keep in mind you are not the only group on the trail, and some people want to go faster. The slow people who don't look back are those same people who drive in the left lane in wisconsin doing 60mph! Haha! If you check back every now and then you wont have to be scared s***less when someone passes you at 80+.


If you are riding with kids, OR anyone in the group is inexperienced, then you should have the common sense to look in your mirrors or check back often to see if there are faster sleds wanting to pass. Also, if you come to an intersection you should look behind you not only to check on your group but to see if faster sleds are coming through. Usually I will wait a few miles before i blow by someone giving them some time to redeem themselves by looking back, but keep in mind you are not the only group on the trail, and some people want to go faster. The slow people who don't look back are those same people who drive in the left lane in wisconsin doing 60mph! Haha! If you check back every now and then you wont have to be scared s***less when someone passes you at 80+.

i'll take this post as a "comment to the public".
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New member
There's always one.

If you are riding with kids, OR anyone in the group is inexperienced, then you should have the common sense to look in your mirrors or check back often to see if there are faster sleds wanting to pass. Also, if you come to an intersection you should look behind you not only to check on your group but to see if faster sleds are coming through. Usually I will wait a few miles before i blow by someone giving them some time to redeem themselves by looking back, but keep in mind you are not the only group on the trail, and some people want to go faster. The slow people who don't look back are those same people who drive in the left lane in wisconsin doing 60mph! Haha! If you check back every now and then you wont have to be scared s***less when someone passes you at 80+.

If you have to do 80+ to pass someone, maybe they don't need to be passed?


New member
Thanks for the pics from your trip. GlaD YOU AND YOUR FAMILY HAD A GREAT TIME! Wildlife Cabins are our home away from home and will be headed up there next Saturday. Can't wait!!!



yea, great time was had by all. we are still talking about it. The problem now is, we need to find a bigger place for next year. looks like 12 of us will be needing a house to rent....