For those in Need


Well-known member
Went to our local Walmart today as I needed some stuff for work, as we browsed the aisles, TP, hand sanitizer, and lisol wipes all gone! The dems have done a good job of causing panic in the sheep. Meanwhile I’m sitting good on ammo for the zombie apocalypse.

Leave it to the media and the ever so gullible public plastered to it, im not down playing the virus itself but big story on the news 3rd person confirmed with the virus in Wisconsin, and then coverage after coverage after coverage...there isn't anything else going on in this world??? 3rd person confirmed out of what a state population of 6 MILLION!!! better start building the bubble!!! uuugh and how many people have died in this country so far from the flu-virus we deal with each and every year? 20,000 plus? leave it to the media!


Well-known member
$1.77 in Clare, MI today, unleaded gas that is... Was $1.85 on Sun., $1.95 on 2/28... Trending more towards $1 than the $4 I paid for premium in Lac La Belle last week but the use of it sure was a lot more fun sledding vs. returning to work.

WOW! That is sweet!
I drove through just north of Brainerd, MN and saw $1.99 thinking that was good.

I hate to take this in a serious direction but I'd hate to be a small business owner in the Copper Country for this coming month or so. At the same time as sledding season wrapping up now Tech has gone to virtual classes, that puts a dent in the population with some students staying in their hometowns until further notice.


Active member
As the old saying goes, life is like a roll of toilet paper, the shorter it gets... the faster it goes
I hate to take this in a serious direction but I'd hate to be a small business owner in the Copper Country for this coming month or so. At the same time as sledding season wrapping up now Tech has gone to virtual classes, that puts a dent in the population with some students staying in their hometowns until further notice.

Good, more toilet paper for the rest of us.