

New member
Ok, so I see in the news all the time about this huge number of forclosed properties, but how do you find them??

When I google it, it just shows me a bunch of websites that I have to pay to get a list of them.

Is there a better way to find them in a particular area?

Looking for something in the UP.


New member
Contact a realtor in that area have them watch for you.
Check County websites and see what's going into forclosure.
Also some auction companies will auction them off.

That's where I've seen them, the real good ones get grabbed up before they get listed.


New member
I have contacted 2 different agents in the eastern UP, and they both seemed as though they were too busy to even speak with me once I mentioned forclosed properties.


Well-known member
I know our county sheriff post all of the listing on his website. Might check the county your look at.


most foreclosed properties fall into 2 groups.some are in such bad shape it takes a contractor to rehab it. or,the realtors have people waiting to buy/write a contract on it before it ever gets into the computer as a listing.I used the latter method to buy mine.


New member
Feel free to call banks directly unfortunately they all have foreclosed properties and will be more than happy to share that list with you.


Very few foreclosures in my neck of the yoop. There are properties on tax sales occasionally and most of the ones i have seen are trashed like rakins800 said.

I spoke with my banker earlier this year, they do not write risky loans. Neither do any of the other banks I have seen in the west UP. they have had no increase in foreclosures...even after 6 months of the mill here in town being closed.

local banks. loans not sold for the most part. no super low interest rates, no super high ones. steady as she goes.

20% down...for loans period. Property values fluctuate very little, ever. Local realtor told me that sales have been a bit slower but prices remain about the same.


New member
Don't know what you are looking to spend, but Josh from the Hoop is moving downstate and him and his wife are selling their house in Bergland. He had a posting House for Sale in Bergland last month.


The realtor I was working with didn't want me to persue a forclosure because the commision was only 2.5%. Then she would have to split that, and she would have only made $200 - $300 for the sale. She wants to make the big money on the ones that pay 7%. She was very stubborn and didn't want to talk about a foreclosuer


New member
Every bank in Michigan has foreclosures or those about to hit the foreclosure list.

Trick is to find them just before the foreclosure, or during the "period of redemption" where the property "holder" formerly the owner still has redemption rights.

Here is a couple easy places to look. (hud homes) $100 dn stuff if owner occupied.

Then check the legal papers in each county, as nearly all foreclosures are published as to the stage of foreclosure, time publish, etc.

Then check the county seat where you can find the listings of the local sherriff sales prior to the auction. Cut a deal with the person in possession prior to the sale and walk with a good deal if you are "with cash" or have "means".

Many agents don't make much of a living from foreclosures and therefore don't really know where to find them or how to even look for them.

Some banks will handle their own foreclosures, but most don't and turn it over to clearing houses who specialize in doing nothing but foreclosures going down thru the process on behalf of the bank and handing the property over to the bank when done, with previous owner removed from the home.

Unfortunately, there is no one clearing house for foreclosures and funny as it may seem, many homes once foreclosed get handed over to a local broker to "skin" out, or get rid of the house "no matter what it takes".

Since nearly all loans are insured against loss, there is little the banks have to loose by selling them cheaply. Unfortunately these clearing houses, sell with "no strings" which means no warrantee whatsoever, and they will take many offers without letting each offerer know that they have taken several only to notify the winner a couple weeks before a closing on the sale.

HUD houses are the best deal as they are closed bid only homes and the home goes to the highest bidder...period. You win the bid you follow thru on closing and a "close by" date. If you have to extend usually it costs you money to buy the time to extend. Down side is they don't provide a title policy for the home. The good news is they will credit you with up to $2500 toward fix ups and any repairs which can include the title insurance in that pool of money. You must be "pre-approved" for a loan or have the cash...and show the deposit as condition to bid.

No silly games that often get played by the banks trying to sneek better offers into the mix all the time...working one buyer against the next.

Still there are some good buys out there if you know where to look and how to go about this.


New member
a friend of ours bought a foreclosure in lake county illinois and it tool forever for the whole deal to complete,,,,,so plan on a long process until its yours


Well-known member
in my parts TC MN if it is a deal you hardly have time to go and look before thear is a have to find them your self look for the longer grass to old papers the tage on the door ect .then track down the bank.forclosers tend to be a PITA.wh have been doing a gem this MO we found that a old timer died in and this guy did nothing for the past 40yrs .was not financable had to be cash needed everything.but got the kids to hold paper for 6 mo with 10 k down.thay were more than willing not many people want a house that needs everything .been 25 days should be on the mls in 12 more days.still good cash in flipping as long as you are selling houses that are under 160k.that is why thear is a watting list at your realtor.


New member
I am looking towards the eastern side of the UP.

I will look into all of the advice above.

Thanks for all the info.


New member
hotwire, if your agent (at least in wi)spoke those words to you they are breaking the law. For and agent to put compensation ahead of representation is a huge no no! As a matter of fact I believe there was a 10 million dollar suit aginst a broker in ohio (i think) for doing that very thing. Ditch him or her and find a better agent, But if you want to have a little fun just ask her/him if their broker knows she is putting her own interests ahead of her clients and see how quickly they back peddle and line you up 30 foreclusures to see! As an agent my theroy has always been that, I dont care what house you buy or how much i make on it. Just as long as its the one you were looking for! In this business you take the good with the bad. Some we make more , some we make less. Some we make nothing. But hey if I sell you a foreclosure and do a good job for you but only make a few hundred my hope is you will call me when you are ready to resell it! They probably are avoiding the forclusures cause they dont really know how to handle the transaction. But I will say they are very time consuming though.

Another thing i wonder is why an agent would wanna piss you off and risk losing you as a client altogether?


New member
I agree with olsmann...not all brokers are the same...if they can't work FOR you, then they are working for THEMSELVES....and that is NOT the kind of broker you want to have for your representation. Move on, find a better one. As olsmann says, it doesn't matter how much you make as long as you make a customer...if you want to live in the business you live on referrals and a happy customer is the best customer. An unhappy one is the worst thing you can have happen to you, no matter what business you are in....