Funniest sled story walking out of a bar..??


New member
Why is it that everytime you walk out of a Pub someone has a brain f#%t and screws up? My wife and I are walking out of the Buckhorn Lodge(Munising) when an up comming snow X racer does a broad slide narrowly missing three sleds but collecting 2 600 Poo's.After the hit he decides to eject himself in the side of the "house" snowplow. We went over to pick up what was left of him, he said his visor fogged up! Glad he was OK, the Poo owners were


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Staff member
Few years back, we were at Jake's bar near Twin Lakes, a whole group of guys come in, they had left Bruce Crossing that morning, on their way to Houghton, and they were pretty lit up. They come tearing into the parking lot, sliding slideways, whipping cookies, etc, some of the guys jumped/parked up on the snowbanks. They come in, spend about an hour there, and then head out. We are watching them all from inside when they leave, one guy who parked up on the snowbank gets on his sled, starts it up, and hammers it. His track must have been ripped or something, 'cause it came shooting out of the back of the sled as soon as he laid the wood to it. LOL. It shot all the way across the parking lot, luckily not hitting anyone or anything. Not sure what they did about it, it was still there the next morning.


New member
Few years back, we were at Jake's bar near Twin Lakes, a whole group of guys come in, they had left Bruce Crossing that morning, on their way to Houghton, and they were pretty lit up. They come tearing into the parking lot, sliding slideways, whipping cookies, etc, some of the guys jumped/parked up on the snowbanks. They come in, spend about an hour there, and then head out. We are watching them all from inside when they leave, one guy who parked up on the snowbank gets on his sled, starts it up, and hammers it. His track must have been ripped or something, 'cause it came shooting out of the back of the sled as soon as he laid the wood to it. LOL. It shot all the way across the parking lot, luckily not hitting anyone or anything. Not sure what they did about it, it was still there the next morning.
That had to be quite a few years ago. What was the last year Jake's was open??? Guessing about 2005 ???
Used to love that stop, but now that we stay at Sandy and Riches probably would not stop anyway being so close to the cabin.


Active member
I have sooo many stories, but 1 sticks in my mind. Walked outa the bar in Clam Lake and some guys from overseas were talking, road down the HWY, nothing left on the carbides, they didn't care, they were rentals!!! Gotta love it, more Vodka down the trail for them!


Well-known member
Indy don't read this one.

I was 18 and riding in the Mercer area with my 21 year old uncle and a couple of his friends. As I was walking out of a bar, my uncle gave me a push, like to push me down the steps. Only when you step out the door, the steps went down to the left. I ended up taking out the entire hand rail and rolled down a little hill. Needless to say, we didn't waste much time getting out of there. It sure was funny then, think it's kinda stupid now.