gas jump


Active member
Every time this topic is brought up to any of the Polititions running for office they all seem to state the same thing.....

We need to focus on using more efficient vehicles - electric/ hybrid. We need to diversify our energy needs. Less demand will drive down the price.
It takes a lot of $ to buy one of these new fuel efficient vehicles. I wish they would stop saying that is the solution. Most can not afford to pay for the gas to get to work. How will they afford one of these new fuel efficient vehicles?

Also, another reason for the price increases is the value of the dollar. We keep stimulating and printing more $$$ the value will fall.

This is bordering on POLITICAL. I have done my best to not point fingers at any particular persons or parties. I have to wonder if this thread will be deleted. It seems an time gas prices come up, it turns in to a political heated discussion.


Super Moderator
Staff member
Our big jump was last week, whole sale gas hovering around $2.77 where it has been for about a week now. Gas is currently $3.37 here.


Well-known member
Every time this topic is brought up to any of the Polititions running for office they all seem to state the same thing.....

We need to focus on using more efficient vehicles - electric/ hybrid. We need to diversify our energy needs. Less demand will drive down the price.
It takes a lot of $ to buy one of these new fuel efficient vehicles. I wish they would stop saying that is the solution. Most can not afford to pay for the gas to get to work. How will they afford one of these new fuel efficient vehicles?

Also, another reason for the price increases is the value of the dollar. We keep stimulating and printing more $$$ the value will fall.

This is bordering on POLITICAL. I have done my best to not point fingers at any particular persons or parties. I have to wonder if this thread will be deleted. It seems an time gas prices come up, it turns in to a political heated discussion.

not all some say drill baby drill then they are crucified.


conserving is a joke and buying a flex fuel car or hybrid is a joke as well. reason........ the more we conserve the more we export overseas. more profit for the oil guys... check it out. our # 1 export is gasoline. so dont tell me to conserve.. burn it thru your sled and have fun


Super Moderator
Staff member
The increase is due to Iran TALKING about closing the straight of hookiuedheyrt or whatever it is called. That is how the oil commodities work, if something negative is TALKED about, prices jump. It has nothing to do with supply and demand anymore.


Well-known member
and that is why if we grew up and got real with our energy needs and started building power plants gas lines and opening areas for exploration the cost would drop over night prob close to a buck with in a week of laws being unenacted


New member
Everytime the news mentions that the economy is picking up the gas price goes up. We will never dig out of this hole if this is going to continue to happen. $3.37 to $3.87 in 5 minutes. That is huge. My wages have only gone down. (if I had wages).


Well-known member
Interesting that Canada is now preparing plans to export oil to Asia, since the USA won't get off its whatever you want to call it for approving the Keystone Pipeline. That's the most shovel ready project you can find, but I guess we need to keep the environmentals happy for the election, even though I'd bet my life savings the Canadians will take better care of the environment during the projection of oil than the Camel riders do.


New member
it's called conditioning. get us used to 4 dollar gas so when they back it back down to 3.59 we think that is cheap. it goes on every year.


New member
GREEDY SOB's !!!!!
Record profits every quarter ! When is it going to stop. The rich keep getting RICHER and the middle class keep getting screwed.


Well-known member
Boy, I feel pretty fortunate, gas at Sam's Club today 3.01 per gallon, got gas on Sunday in Fargo at Fleet Farm for 2.98


Well-known member
GREEDY SOB's !!!!!
Record profits every quarter ! When is it going to stop. The rich keep getting RICHER and the middle class keep getting screwed.
and with out the record profits your pension or 401 k would be worth dirt.
want cheep fuel call you reps and tell them you want the pipe line and want to open all closed areas for exploration.telling you gas will drop over night the day we get real about our energy needs.
don't like the spike in gas look up orange juice.makes gas look like chump change over the past yr


Well-known member
don't like the spike in gas look up orange juice.makes gas look like chump change over the past yr
Gallon of orange juice lasts 2 weeks, i go thru 12-14 gallons of gas a week on average in my truck, add in the sled, I will pay $10 for a gallon of orange juice if gas was $1 a gallon.


Well-known member
it is all speculation and futures trading.
keep voting for the environmentalist supporters. more energy sources will be banned you factory's will be closed for good and the party will be completely over.
cant say it any more clearly WAKE UP it is getting close to being to late